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○■ スマートフォンは 携帯電話とパ... The smart phone is intermediate existence of the portable telephone and the personal computer, the function which is done with the personal computer is taken in one after another, a liberal translation
○■ The professional baseball fan way, while announcing ranking chart with such as [tsuitsuta], not be able to announce yesterday with [burogu], the [te] it is not completed very, a liberal translation
○■ ソフトバンクモバ ルとau(k... Software bank Mobile and au (kddi), the new model smart phone of the American apple (the multi-function portable telephone) “iphone (the eye phone) 4s”, at the principal store 14th is sold from 8 o'clock in the morning, a liberal translation
○■ The Wada Takeshi pitcher of the professional baseball software bank (30) on the 29th, made that the minibus which in the high school sphere child of suffering area of Fukushima prefecture is used in welcoming and sending off of practice and the tournament is contributed clear
○■ iphoneを使い始めて だ一... Starting using iphone, still it is one year, but if with special care, with it tried trying
○■ いつものようにい れも順位、... itsumonoyouniizuremo jun'i �� kyuudanmei �� kachi �� hai �� wake �� shouritsu no jun de hyoujishi masu
○■ �� sofutobanku gaso uyasuyasuto norikae saseruwakehanaku �� kokyaku biki tome notameno hisaku wo utte deru darou �� to kitaisu ru iken mo dete iru
○■ 「スポーツ」カテ リの最新記... It offers the bloggerel of Japanese.
○■ sofutobanku mago shacho u ga �� nippon niha risuku wo toru nin ga kyokutan ni sukuna sugirutoiu komento gaarimashita
○■ ◎著者球場観戦関 (op戦除... * Something related to author ball park observation (op game removal) observation tournament several 27 victory 12/defeat/miss 12/minutes frequency quantity of 2941/3 of 3 observation raw hr: t Okada 3, val 4, Goto 2, it is rough gold 1, Hess man 1, Takehara 1, Japanese plum 1/l Nakamura 2, the f [hohupawa] −2, Kokubo 1, [kaburera] 1, Hasegawa the sb1 batting average. (-) Hero: West (4/24), Goto (4/24) ([hohupawa] 5/5), Kisanuki (5/20), t Okada (5/20), the Hess man (5/31 and 7/1), [huigaro] (6/1), the val D lith (6/8), Suzuki (7/2), it is rough the gold (7/3), Akada (7/5), funds thousand (7/5), Takehara (8/28), the temple field (9/3) ==========
○■ macのソフトウェア ップデ... After completing the software update of mac, it moved to the setting of ios 5 update and icloud of iphone 4 rapidly, a liberal translation
○■ September 6th (fire) the Nippon Meat Packers, Inc. vs. As for software bank 16 game h/1-f/0 software bank in 5 charts with the timely two base hits of Fukuda preemptive
○■ 8回は森福が三者 退で無失点... As for 8 times forest luck with three person mediocrity retreating/quitting non mistake
○■ こういうとき、結 してなくて... Such time, not to get married the [te], the child it was not and the [te] was good, that you think keenly
○■ If iphone and ipad, are n ot the software bank, because you cannot use, however you do not use, don't you think? very iphone, it probably is something which [jiyobusu] requested
○■ 今日の結果は・・ ... As for present result…, a liberal translation
○■ As for the one appraising this article, 1 time pushing 1 days news inside Japanese [burogu] Murakuni, if it can receive, it is fortunate, if (while [ctrl] pushing the key, you can push the one which does not have the reaction for the second time, it is fortunate)
○■ 今朝方、とんでも いニュー... Now morning, outrageous news flew about
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