- With come-from-behind victory 5.0 differences
http://next884mat.at.webry.info/201109/article_10.html As for present result…, a liberal translation En cuanto al actual resultado…
- 攝 Tsu it is the all-inclusive throwing being defeated
http://next884mat.at.webry.info/201109/article_22.html As for present result…, a liberal translation En cuanto al actual resultado…
- “Non- defeat/miss myth” it deteriorates
http://next884mat.at.webry.info/201109/article_28.html As for present result…, a liberal translation En cuanto al actual resultado…
http://next884mat.at.webry.info/201109/article_30.html As for present result…, a liberal translation En cuanto al actual resultado…
- 由于它赢取了,没有叫或, ♪
http://ameblo.jp/sinnsyunokuma212/entry-11040154180.html Present forerunner is [darubitsushiyu]!, a liberal translation ¡El actual precursor es [darubitsushiyu]!
- Между «12.5» и «1.5»….
http://ameblo.jp/sinnsyunokuma212/entry-11032577121.html As for present forerunner, Takeshi Masaru vs Wada Takeda of the expectation which had the alias of the certain software bank killer En cuanto al actual precursor, Takeshi Masaru contra Wada Takeda de la expectativa que tenía el alias del cierto asesino de la base de programas informáticos
Softbank, Sport, Hardware, Business,