- Victory ahead software bank! CS 1st game
http://kokoronomori.tea-nifty.com/ehonkaizyu/2011/11/post-b739.html 4 to [sohutobankuhokusu] tip victory did the climax series 1st game of Pacific League with 2!, a liberal translation [sohutobankuhokusu 4] Sieg tat zu spitzen das 1. Spiel der Höhepunkt-Reihe der pazifischen Liga mit 2!
- [sohutobanku] [hokusurigu] victory!!, a liberal translation
http://mi-kan5806.cocolog-nifty.com/blog/2011/10/post-d323.html Pacific League victory was decided Pazifischer Ligasieg wurde entschieden
- As of September 11th professional baseball latter half game & monthly ranking chart
http://blogs.yahoo.co.jp/miyahira92/62751914.html Both [sepa] not only the premier position dispute, 2 rank to dispute Central League, Pacific League is active 3 rank dispute and the climax series (cs) participation dispute, a liberal translation Beide [sepa] nicht nur die Debatte der ersten Position, der Rang 2, zum der zentralen Liga zu diskutieren, pazifische Liga ist widerliche Debatte des Active 3 und die Höhepunkt-Reihen (Cs) die Teilnahmedebatte
- Middle day club first Central League consecutive championship victory!
http://blogs.yahoo.co.jp/miyahira92/62850241.html Pacific League is Seibu and Orikkusu which have been disputed with cs participation to end, but Seibu won the Nippon Meat Packers, Inc., because Orikkusu is defeated in the software bank, Seibu was decided [kuraimatsukusushirisu] (cs) advance Pazifische Liga ist Seibu und Orikkusu, die mit Csteilnahme diskutiert worden sind, um zu beenden, aber Seibu gewann den Bewohner von Nippon Meat Packers, Inc., weil Orikkusu in der Softwarebank besiegt wird, Seibu wurde entschieden [kuraimatsukusushirisu] (Cs,), Fortschritt
- As for Osaka and Kobe defeating the giant, an arrow you rewarded.
http://blog.goo.ne.jp/zuihou_ta/e/90897eb10936f2511bf89c70ab8d3f92 Pacific League was strengthened 2 strongly running alone attitudes, a liberal translation Pazifischer Liga wurde 2 stark laufende alleinhaltung verstärkt
- As for Central League confound conflict state is continued., a liberal translation
http://blog.goo.ne.jp/zuihou_ta/e/18c63484e1336bdbfdc707d7abce609d Pacific League was strengthened 2 strongly running alone attitudes, a liberal translation Pazifischer Liga wurde 2 stark laufende alleinhaltung verstärkt
- As of software bank 2 year continual Pacific League victory & October 2nd professional baseball latter half game monthly ranking chart
http://blogs.yahoo.co.jp/miyahira92/62810105.html As for Pacific League however victory of the software bank was decided, Central League extent Yakult and the middle day which either still m illumination it is not possible disputing, don't you think? it increases, a liberal translation Was pazifischen Ligajedoch Sieg anbetrifft der Softwarebank entschieden, zentraler Ligaumfang Yakult und der mittlere Tag, der jede ruhige m-Ablichtung es nicht mögliches Diskutieren, nicht Sie denken ist? sie erhöht
- Osaka and Kobe defeated Yakult and surfaced to 2 rank in place of the giant.
http://blog.goo.ne.jp/zuihou_ta/e/5ec503201a6ac76af97090338cfccdc4 Pacific League was strengthened 2 strongly running alone attitudes, a liberal translation Pazifischer Liga wurde 2 stark laufende alleinhaltung verstärkt
Softbank, Sport, Hardware, Business,