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○■ rt @takapon_jp: Well, bec ause [maji] it has done to get angry in argument, however it just spoke, when it is opposed in Japanese [tsu] [te] argument, because it does to personality denial, it was troubled, it rubbed, don't you think?, a liberal translation
○■ 1号機ばかりか、2 機・3号... 1 not only the machine, 2 machine 3 melt down with the machine became clear
○■ 核燃料に含まれる 射性物質に... In the radioactive substance which is included in the nuclear fuel as for Professor Sinya Nagasaki of the detailed University of Tokyo graduate school “volatilizing, as for plutonium to exist with the particle different from iodine and the cesium which are easy to become gaseous state, because also mass is large, it flies to the point of also 45 kilometers being far with you did not think
○■ 実際にはどのぐら 汚染されて... You do not know by anyone whether actually about which it is polluted,, a liberal translation
○■ When the nuclear plant is installed newly, amount of the grant which is until now given to the self-governing community is increased
○■ 原子力の平和利用( 原子力発電... Peaceful use of nuclear energy (nuclear power generation) starting, about 60 years it passes, but the mankind has not experienced this kind of situation
○■ 「原発事故を問う というが、... “Nuclear accident is questioned”, that you say, but NHK analog at the National Diet became problem, Hosono's speech regarding the “pouring water discontinuance”, it did not mention the rally of the unevenness eye person and the wording correction etc of government altogether
○■ Isn't electric power comp any country that crisis management does not do concerning the safe plan of the nuclear plant? Fukushima first nuclear plant 1 investigation of the machine advances and after the earthquake disaster the melt having knocked down directly is ascertained, a liberal translation
○■ 菅首相はことある とに国民に我... Whenever 菅 as for the prime minister there is a thing, you do the kind of speech which forces patience and perseverance to the citizen
○■ 燃料そのものも一 は圧力容器か... The fuel itself part moves to the Containment Vessel from the pressure container, when it is falling,” (the Tokyo Electric Power interview)
○■ The time where it is assu med that pressure inside the Containment Vessel exceeds the upper limit largely, moment to be quick is a necessity of the vent (exhaust) is, a liberal translation
○■ 東電はもう、現実 もできないだ... Tokyo Electric Power Company anymore probably cannot do actual at all, a liberal translation
○■ Thinking of the future of Japan, very the “deviation from nuclear plant” it is the direction which it should aim, that
○■ 放射能は危険でな からと、罹災... _ radioactivity it be danger be because, release the suffer person the house in finish the country the [te] have owe responsibility and
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