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○■ 今年はこのゴール ンウィーク... This year it seems that comes during these Golden Week holidays period
○■ Whether just a little to overeat with two people,
○■ そして最終回で号 した私がい... And I who wail with the last time am
○■ But when as for the gover nment which is moving with the re-work possession coming deep-black it is and has submitted to power only you cannot think
○■ さて、長男楽しん いるかな〜... Well, the eldest son the kana which is enjoyed -? Slowly the [ze] to be necessary…
○■ Travelling approximately 3000km of the car of these Golden Week holidays and 5 mountain ascents, goal of the [ma] ~ minimum is the achievement
○■ こちらもやはり皆 、行列作っ... Everyone, queue making this after all, worshipping, because it increased, a liberal translation
○■ You have taken care always
○■ 2012−5−4 金)撮影... 2012−5−4 (gold) photographing
○■ Yesterday cycling middle, the carp was perplexed to the paddy field which pulled the water and had been packed
○■ 今年は、沢山実が 来るかな... This year, whether the Sawayama truth is possible, - -
○■ Today, sound & sound of t he fireworks… while walking, sound of the fireworks does not sound and the [te] do do
○■ 久しぶりに温泉 に 行ってき... It went to the hot spring after a long time!
○■ While with thinking, when we greet, that woman, “having tried probably to meet you and to this grandfather, many times went into the house, but it is you and this grandfather, always it does not come to the house, is
○■ この花可愛いので 好きな花... Because this flower it is lovely, it is favorite the flower
○■ It had stopped in here an d there and the bull very flower
○■ 本当は、vs嵐も 家に帰った時... But when also the vs storm returns to the parents' home, you do truth, it is, time, a liberal translation
○■ Because today there is no time and this time
○■ 今日は早おやつに りました... Today quickly became the snack
○■ Today, length without cha nging excessively,
○■ ゴールデンウイー 後半はいかが... The Golden Week holidays latter half how you pass, the ~? Also the rain stopping, present Saturday the blue sky
○■ Of course, as for Tokiwa sport you do not go to bed and it is in the midst of doing business
○■ もちろん日本の中 機能が停止し... Of course the Japanese central function stopping, it is troubled, because, it stops you do not obtain exclusion, a liberal translation
○■ Then also this day will k eep persevering, is
○■ そして、レジを止 て絆創膏を手... And, stopping the register, you obtained the adhesive tape
○■ But, first work related t o horse racing work…, a liberal translation
○■ さて、今日もライ だ... Well, also today is live
○■ Resting with farm working and the chair, it increases this
○■ お祭りは子供のお 輿、大人のお... As for the celebration the portable shrine of the child and the portable shrine of the adult starting from neighborhood
○■ May 4th (Friday) during G olden Week holidays the palpus it is suddenly the picture it became skillful