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○■ 55 …, a liberal tr anslation
○■ 1968 …... 1968 &he llip;
○■ 10:38 | It is the compa ny | edit | top↑
○■ (_ _) さっそく、 日... (_ _) Right away, we had decided to use as kind of buckwheat noodle of present lunch, a liberal translation
○■ Because there is schedule of excursion the latter half me and with the children, the first half while the husband says, went to largest excursion Kobe
○■ 今日は、川崎にあ 日本動物高... Today, to the Japanese animal high-level medical center which is Kawasaki
○■ Of course every week it i s business of Sunday, a liberal translation
○■ みなさん、足をお びください... Don't you think? everyone, please go!
○■ Well, when the [chi] chan ging in day, drinking in Osaka, however the [ru] it is probably will be, a liberal translation
○■ だから後半に2日 度は日雇い... Therefore that thinking, whether 2 days will try going to the day-to-day employment byte on the latter half, it increases, a liberal translation
○■ That time do you call som ething? Perhaps, is not to become word, probably will be?
○■ そしてすっきりす と同時にシ... When and it will be clear, surroundings of the sink become simultaneously matter of concern, do tide cleaning, a liberal translation
○■ Then, it is to make the u tilization of the various member sight reopen, but because one among those the sight, “[moratame]” (Hari of link is not certain, as for the one which is interest please tries searching) cheaply you can try the various commodity, can be received and/or it is the [chi] [ya] [u] sight, a liberal translation
○■ この辺はいちご狩 が盛んなん... As for here it is, [chi] hunt with active something the shank!, a liberal translation
○■ As for weather the time t he time day shines with exactly good kana
○■ いまのわたし、相 slowに... The current transferring, becoming suitable slow, [ru] like (laughing)
○■ * When you go out to the seashore and the like, because there is a parking zone in the seashore, please utilize, a liberal translation
○■ 私はその間に大忙 で夕食準... I at that time being large busily, am dinner preparation
○■ As expected, those which we would like to eat do not conceive today, well…, the world is Golden Week holidays midst, but also this store 3 day in tomorrow (the wood) from 6 days (day) to makes suspending business
○■ 毎日が過ぎるのが い... It is quick everyday to pass,
○■ Yesterday in probability of precipitations 100% of weather forecast, it plans round of golf it is with, it started going!
○■ 今日はもともとは ャリアカ... Today originally was the schedule which does the story of study of the carrier counselor, but it makes tomorrow
○■ This year directing to th e Mothers Day, [kareruchiyapetsuku] black tea store and [korabo] actualize!
○■ ほんの短い時間で っても、... Just, being brief, by the fact that it can come in contact with the young family it became vigorous
○■ Often so when it is tasty , you ate this, a liberal translation
○■ つぼみも真っ先に って来て... Also the bud coming first, playing, it increased
○■ So if you said, it photog raphed to in addition to, a liberal translation
○■ これはこれで美味 かったで... This was tasty with this, is
○■ When it exceeds this chai n place, the mountaintop was visible
○■ 「もっと年寄りを 事にしろ... “More important margin “[butsubutsu] what it was the aged person”?”, “saying, increase it is”, the droppings