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○■ ゴールデンウイー (gw)が... Golden Week holidays (gw) started
○■ So, it ended, it is, -!
○■ でも、皆さん喜ん くださるの... Because so, everyone rejoicing, for a while night rise and heart per seat you want,, a liberal translation
○■ By the way, being optiona l, 5 days you can acquire the summer vacation of the company inside
○■ その次の5月13 (日)は、... That next May 13th (day), supplementary lessons before the test are done, a liberal translation
○■ Attendance we wait, a lib eral translation
○■ これを繰り返し、f ax事件も... This is repeated, also fax incident occurs, is not accustomed to still this keyboard somehow settling, it is about it has reached to today, a liberal translation
○■ About 7 years passing, th e [ru] so is now
○■ ありがとうござい した!!... Thank you!!, a liberal translation
○■ Also tomorrow with foreca st as for Kurashiki has become clearing up
○■ 今日は右足首がま 痛むのでお... Because today the right ankle hurts still, it was confined in the room
○■ It is the work of the cus tomer
○■ 桜も終わってしま ましたね... Also the cherry tree ending, stripe now it does, the seed
○■ There is a food which has been fixed recently
○■ 明後日からゴール ンウィー... Whether Golden Week holidays it is from the day after tomorrow, you think, but don't you think? Miyama Sinriyoku please come to the pleasure!! Perhaps, enjoy beautiful Sinriyoku in consecutive holiday it may, is
○■ Click we ask here
○■ 昼くらいから来て らおうと... You think that it makes come from about the noon, but time adaptability is effective, a liberal translation
○■ Before the Golden Week ho lidays, it disinfected the toy
○■ 5月4日金曜は・ ... May 4th Friday
○■ If as for April 29th and 30 days each 2 names still it is ok
○■ 詳しくは道路公団 んに聞かない... As for details unless you hear at road public corporation, don't you think?
○■ Don't you think? everyone , please pass good Golden Week holidays
○■ 昨日は昼にサンド ィッチを頼ま... It is asked the sandwich to the noon and the fungus is making yesterday cd album and dvd are day of half price the [ke] which did borrowing album of sdn48 and dvd of [badeizu], looking at [badeizu] as the parent 2 person, cd recording, it was the [tsu] [te] feeling
○■ Date changing, however th e rainy 100% [tsu] [te] you called today and depended it clears up and the [ke] which takes it is the futon drying, the cleaning machine applying, it records directly watching at program, you interview from afternoon? It went
○■ 天気悪いから景色 悪そうだし... Because weather it is bad, badness so it puts out also view,
○■ Work however just a littl e you thought of that you go to bed, that is not possible, honesty, even surroundings do, doing with utmost effort, the [ru], no one consecutive holiday, although desire of the day off was not put out, is possible I to put out
○■ 今日は高校は城南 会でした... Today as for high school it was the Jonan conference
○■ As for gw of this year it may be able to expect the customer of sight-seeing even from last year, is!! We would like to sell ringing,, a liberal translation
○■ もうすぐだ…もう ぐでゴールデ... Already immediately is…Already, immediately they are Golden Week holidays, but - (the ´д `) to morning of Sunday night shift…Because (crying) today it is the day off, it videotaped, watching the program of the dust high, it increases
○■ It is already and or the [tsu] the snow comes! It falls in Golden Week holidays! While with being able to have, passing, [ku] Hokkaido spring is, but