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○■ 仕事では、同じ職 の中から... With work, from midst of the same workplace, many people have gone to support to area of earthquake disaster, a liberal translation
○■ It was different from the time of Golden Week holidays, the salmon had lined up all the way with end of year, a liberal translation
○■ これが終わると、 度に町は... When this ends, town changes to the Christmas decoration at one time
○■ It was the occurrence whi ch you can think that when it goes round to such an opportunity even from now on and can meet
○■ この血が絶えぬよ 努めなけ... In order for this blood not to become extinct, if you do not endeavor, with you think
○■ The week opening 9 days ( Monday), 10 days (Tuesday) warmly the forecast of cheerfulness, a liberal translation
○■ 一番期待している が河口湖... Most those where you have expected are the estuary lake
○■ Every year quotation fluc tuation is large, Golden Week holidays, it is attention in analysis of each lecturer
○■ 明日は夜なべ仕事 帰りが遅くな... Because tomorrow it is secure, for the return to become slow with night pan work, perhaps it cannot renew [burogu],
○■ It is like there is no ba sket edge which is what
○■ 今年は東日本大震 で開幕が遅れ... This year commencement is late with east Japanese large earthquake disaster, enters into October that much and at least, because as for about 2 weeks all the club tournaments are united, as October does the monthly ranking chart for the first time
○■ The bamboo grass it went to peak mountain-climbing after a long time, (solo)
○■ ところで、冒頭の 題、考えてみ... The one which by the way, problem of beginning, it tries thinking you are?, a liberal translation
○■ With being the case that it is said, continual observation first game, regrettable it became black star takeoff
○■ しかし、赤ワイン 美味しすぎて... But, as for the vin rouge being too tasty, until it dies, as for the determination that you do not drink the wine, being very difficult, the shank
○■ But, [watashi] this year is work to 31 days
○■ しかし、終盤に向 て僕の体調も... But, directing to final stage, my physical condition you show fixed recovery
○■ * It turned from end of y ear 2011 extending through the beginning of the year 2012, it is 2nd day near nuclear plant from Yato
○■ 昨日一日出勤で、 日また休日... With yesterday one day going to work, it is today and holiday
○■ Everyone today ☆☆
○■ …年末年始の被災 の速報をアッ... … Raising the bulletin of suffering area of the end of year beginning of the year, it increases, (following to be possible! )
○■ )…Classmate the fish st ore dining room of 3rd generation -> [burogu
○■ 非常にお金が逼迫 恐喝は避け... The circumstance where the money becomes tight very and as for blackmail is not avoided
○■ Yokohama city Seya Ku ani mal hospital
○■ 明日からもゴーヤ 成長に負け... Way it is not defeated to the growth of [goya] even from tomorrow,
○■ To be quick Hanami being would like to do, the shank
○■ 年末年始、ゴール ンウィーク... The end of year beginning of the year, Golden Week holidays, summer holiday
○■ The hexagonal wrench whic h some days ago is bought participated large
○■ 今週もお疲れさま す... This week it is the fatigue
○■ This month, at you looked three movies