- Me who am the theatrical people, me who am [tarotsuteisuto].
http://kurenaiking.at.webry.info/201112/article_1.html But, spring of this year there was a decisive occurrence, a liberal translation Pero, el resorte de este año allí era una ocurrencia decisiva
- Parenting becomes insecure.
http://plaza.rakuten.co.jp/macss/diary/201106080000/ But, if thing of the hunter is thought, you cannot call with big voice, a liberal translation Pero, si la cosa del cazador es pensamiento, usted no puede llamar con voz grande
http://blog.goo.ne.jp/segawakousuke/e/1bc7c378d2ccd7fda5912da0717ea9f4 But, looking at whichever woman even when, looking at whatever kind of man, we would like to draw, that it appeared to the human who is thought extremely and did not encounter Pero, mirando a cualquier mujer incluso cuando, mirando cualquier clase de hombre, quisiéramos dibujar, que aparecía al ser humano que se piensa extremadamente y no encontró
- Para traducir la conversacion en Japon.
http://blog.livedoor.jp/remember_november64/archives/51796435.html But, directing to final stage, my physical condition you show fixed recovery Pero, dirigiendo al estadio final, mi condición física usted demuestra la recuperación fija
Golden Week, japanese culture, Leisure,