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○■ もちろんこちらの メントでご... Of course it accepts also question with this comment, a liberal translation
○■ Well well, as for the cha racter show of gw of this year the combining which becomes something? Unless you must decide gradually, it is, don't you think? -, a liberal translation
○■ ゴールデンウイー 後半も... Also the Golden Week holidays latter half d51 it is to obtain, it made to go out to photographing the story number
○■ ゴールデンウイー 走った道だ... Because Golden Week holidays it was the road which it ran, is, but don't you think? it becomes the view which is different rather in the time zone, you stop in Ashibetsu [konbini], rest, a liberal translation
○■ Don't you think? the up-t o-date article March [tsu] [te] “of weblog” category the sad 2 March [tsu] [te] it is sad, finishing also Golden Week holidays, looking at can time in the family, it changed into carrying which is new
○■ 最近の画像つき記
[ 画像一... Recent picture being attached article [to picture summary, a liberal translation
○■ ゴールデンウイー 頃に、夏の野... In around Golden Week holidays, the person who plants the vegetable (also with and cucumber and the like) of the summer in the garden it will be, a liberal translation
○■ これは東日本大震 直後の3月... koreha higashinihon dai shinsai chokugo no 3 gatsu 18 nichi irai no yasune
○■ お義父さんトラク ー?の指南... o gifu san torakuta^ �� no shinan shiteruwa
○■ あとは、テニスと 抜き、お花... To learn more, ask bloggers to link to.
○■ あ~、仕事のこと 何も考えず... a ���� shigoto nokoto wo nanimo kangae zuni �� kyuujitsu wo sugo shitai
Golden Week,
Japanese Topics about Golden Week, japanese culture, Leisure, ...
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