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○■ みなさん、いかが 過ごしですか... Everyone, how you pass? This time concerning “the mental attitude of long-term holiday” 1 stories
○■ With what is said already immediately Mothers Day
○■ それでも新芽を出 、今年も花を... Even then it produces the bud, this year can bloom and increases the flower, a liberal translation
○■ But, the pond it has fish ed entirely, a liberal translation
○■ この時期はいつも 階ブックルに... This time the always the May doll which is in 4 floor [butsukuru] (seems gallant young way), adjusting to the event, in the fine arts hole entrance in the midst of business trip
○■ More and more from tomorr ow in Golden Week holidays the shank
○■ 昨日の「草とり」 4時50分ま... Yesterday “the grass you took and”, 4:50 you caught to
○■ Being quick ones, Golden Week holidays started, a liberal translation
○■ 今日はゴールデン イークの始ま... Today as for the day when the weather which is start of Golden Week holidays is good so it is to like to play with the child at outside, but I work
○■ The world way from today Golden Week holidays and however weather it is good, the hot saddle well, if as for such a me the usual also today is work from this although the streetcar where the people are few and, the person being full, the 鬱 pottery it does today and something which when is about the [i] in the number of humans where the side which will be been nervous lines up randomly (laughing) now, the white fume rises in this streetcar, becoming everyone panic, our pushing away the person first, it is about to go outside the streetcar it is and the [ro], when (laughing) so it becomes the situation which was said, humanity is visible, don't you think? (laughing) nevertheless [uzai] oh, the day after tomorrow the COM oneIf stand cancellation dying line it is not
○■ 本日もご覧くださ ありがとうご... Also this day viewing, thank you for
○■ Now it is start of Golden Week holidays from weekend
○■ 週末だーっ!明日 らゴールデン... Weekend is, - the [tsu]! They are Golden Week holidays from tomorrow, - the [tsu]! ......... And
○■ From tomorrow Golden Week holidays! 1 weekly day off it can make point
○■ 明日からゴールデ ・ウィー... It is golden weak from tomorrow
○■ When you think that entra nce ceremony was done, already Golden Week holidays
○■ 今年のゴールデン ィーク... Golden Week holidays of this year come and it is planning the practice meeting whose [mu] run is splendid it is, don't you think? the [tsu
○■ Book pleasure of 08:49 fr om twitter for android [chi] giraffe
○■ (^^)ゴールデンウィ ークも仕...
○■ 皆さんはお子さん 、遊べてま... Being able to play with the child, everyone, it increases or,…
○■ Tomorrow promised running from 5:30 early morning, a liberal translation
○■ 日曜日もお越しく さったみな... Everyone Sunday to cross over, thank you -, a liberal translation
○■ 1996 (2008) August 13th, home page and [burogu] which are begun from my birthday
○■ 土曜日は早朝から 花見に出か... Saturday you went out to empty Hanami early morning, but daytime field work, a liberal translation
○■ Because “to see, time i s”, that it was in the Ku information which some days ago reaches, you tried going on the 24th, but is, a liberal translation
○■ 今週末はもうゴー デンウィー... Now weekend already they are Golden Week holidays
○■ Today difficult to meet i s, but
○■ 今日からゴールデ ウィークで... From today in Golden Week holidays shank! Everyone who for the first time it is 11th gw, but because number of cases is many, every year [dokidoki] does the pet baby-sitter who from afternoon becomes the [shitsuteingu] production being healthy, way it can be house-sitting safely,, a liberal translation
○■ This year the queen appea rs in this race/lace!
○■ よろしくお願いい します... We ask may