- GW2012, a liberal translation
http://blog.goo.ne.jp/fre-bull-harechan/e/1fc40b850675b8ba0bf8e531bad8dd9a As expected, when the [hi] - being born from, [hare] it is properly and the [tsu] does there being just a [yo], Como esperado, quando [olá!] - sendo carregado de, [lebre] for corretamente e [tsu] fizer estando apenas a [o yo],
- Golden Week holidays summary
http://ameblo.jp/nazeka-el-ya/entry-11243897722.html Well, in addition obstinate it will stretch from today Bem, além obstinate esticará de hoje
- With Yoyogi Zher the Zoo it waits*, a liberal translation
http://dynamitenaoki.jugem.jp/?eid=491 Well, also today is live Bem, igualmente está hoje vivo
- 2012.05.04 (Gold) day of green, a liberal translation
http://blog.goo.ne.jp/2009akitan/e/fc8ee47c11301d4889ba17d83c68e173 Well, doing field work, it increased today Bem, fazendo o trabalho de campo, aumentou hoje
Golden Week, japanese culture, Leisure,