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○■ エナガを撮ってい 、ちょっと... Taking [enaga], when just a little it is careless, there are times which you insert in [shijiyuukara] at instant and have substituted, a liberal translation
○■ So, in the past, becoming aware first, because it is the place where it escapes, a liberal translation
○■ この日も撮れた写 はピンボケ... The photograph which can take also this day the just fuzziness, a liberal translation
○■ Tokyo Kasai seaside park (Edogawa Ku) 2010 December 04th (Saturday) 10: 50-15: 20 Clearing up Mashu City park seashore
○■ 「楽しそうなの♪ ... “The ♪ it is pleasant so,”
○■ 2011.2.27 8:00 ~10: 00 cl ear participants: From 8 name Machida cities, Koshoku city and north Akanashi city etc
○■ 暑くはないけど, 気がじめっ... It is not hot, however, the air as a [ji] [me] [tsu] displeasure. The rain fell in the night to seem, the land had gotten wet., a liberal translation
○■ ヤマガラ(スズメ /シジュウ... yamagara �� suzume me �� shijuukara ka �ˣ������
○■ sagi rui 1 �� kijib ato koe �� tsubame ��
○■ しかし完成品は、 独特の光り... It offers the bloggerel of Japanese.
○■ 2011 nen �� gatsu 27 nichi �� nichi �� hare dakedo shiroi kumo ga ooka tta
○■ 2011-04-27 |... To learn more, ask bloggers to link to.
○■ deatta tori tachi � ooi jun ��
○■ 平成22年5月4 (火)... As for this day 2010 May 4th (Tuesday), the ♪ which goes to the mountain greens taking in Kawaba village of the Tone Gun to meet difficult this year the consequence where the day when it is cold is many, it could not take the mountain greens excessively, but because the photograph of the wild bird was taken only a little, when it keeps walking in the promenade road paralleling of the ♪ mountain which is introduced, 沢 like [binzui] after this of the ♪ which finds the form of [kisekirei] in paralleling, walking the trunk, it was moving, a liberal translation
○■ (When it clicks on map, i n big picture it is seen)
○■ f5.6 1/320 シグ... f 5.6 1/320 [shiku] ゙ [ma] 120-400 iso200 α900 tripodal use, a liberal translation
○■ 1. Mallard 10. [mozu] 19. [aoji] 2. [karugamo] 11. [ruribitaki] 20. [kawarahiwa] 3. [kinkurohajiro] 12. [jiyoubitaki] 21. [shime] 4. [nosuri] 13. [akahara] 22. sparrow 5. van 14. [shirohara] 23. gray starling 6. [kijibato] 15. thrush 24. [hashibosogarasu] 7. [hakusekirei] 16. [shijiyuukara] 25. [hashibutogarasu] 8. [segurosekirei] 17. Japanese white-eye 9. bulbul 18. [kashiradaka, a liberal translation
○■ 「野鳥」カテゴリ 最新記事... Although the up-to-date article yellow coloring of leaves pigeon winter small bird “of wild bird” category, especially it is blue, heart it was taken. ^^; The mixed group of the colors the collar, the winter small bird oak bird passes the next of the winter small bird
○■ In addition today just th e [hi] it is a little in the air to do, there was an impression, a liberal translation
○■ カイツブリ,カワ ,ダイサギ... [kaitsuburi], [kawau], [daisagi], [kosagi] and [karugamo], the teal, [hidorigamo], the pintail, [hoshihajiro], [kinkurohajiro] and [ootaka] it is young bird 1, [chiyuuhi], the bald coot, [aoashishigi] and [umineko], kingfisher 1, the bulbul, [shijiyuukara] voice, the sparrow and the gray starling, [onaga] and [hashibutogarasu] /22 kind
○■ [mahiwa] and [shime], the thrush and the kingfisher, [shijiyuukara], [enaga] and the sparrow etc [sanshiyuyu] which starts blooming is taken
○■ 天気わるく,暗い ... The weather [wa] [ru] [ku], it is dark.
○■ Now either morning is not hot that much.
○■ ジョウビタキ君食 るかな?... [jiyoubitaki] you the kana which is eaten? Or, [shijiyuukara] finds, probably will be?, a liberal translation
○■ Tag: Photograph airplane wild bird observation photographing [dejisuko] Saitama prefecture river [rajikonjiyoubitakihiyodorikawaunikondaisagibadouotsuchingu] flight d300 rc [mikoaisa
○■ 「科学の森」付近 木に,ヒヨ... The bulbul the bird 3 feathers becoming firm to the wood “of forest vicinity of science”, young, tweet tweet you had called.
○■ “The tinted autumn leav es the pond” reverse side and the [bu] cut and was paid. But, [uguisu] it has come it is here.
○■ 日差しはないが, 外と暑く,... There is no sunlight, but, unexpected it is hot, just a little is hard in convalescence. Slowly slow the searching bird., a liberal translation
○■ 1. [tobi] 2. butterfly ge ne bow 3. [aogera] 4. [kogera] 5. swallow (summer) 6. bulbul 7. [yamagara] 8. [shijiyuukara] 9. Japanese white-eye 10. sparrow 11. [hashibutogarasu, a liberal translation