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○■ [shijiyuukara] you played to the y garden, young, but you could not take with only on the tree easily
○■ 6月の光る風と小鳥 のさえずり... The chirping of the wind and the small bird where June shines, a liberal translation
○■ Soul of the Japanese socc er was shown
○■ 巣箱では5日程前に シジュウカ... At the birdhouse the poult of [shijiyuukara] completed becoming independent 5 schedules ago, a liberal translation
○■ Today, although mr is not in the vicinity, the mouth where suddenly, the birdhouse is to come out was pierced piece by piece
○■ そのあとホオジロ メジロ、エ... After that [hoojiro], the Japanese white-eye, [enaga] and [shijiyuukara], kingfisher and [misago] etc could be observed, a liberal translation
○■ こんばんわ(^-^)綺 な秋晴...
○■ The poult of [shijiyuukar a] did in the water place
○■ 8/8
久しぶりに宮が 瀬に行... The shrine did to the shoal 8/8 after a long time
○■ This day, soccer carnival 3rd day, namely it means commuting to the forest road of the Samuzawa river 3rd day, (it was the forest road whose sign of the wild bird is at all thin to laughing yesterday however, with, today drastically changing, the chirping of the small bird overflowed
○■ 1ヶ月で出現した鳥 は 29... The bird which appears in 1 months in 29 types, was not different from last month. The bird which appears on the 1st being highest, 21 types, being lowest, was 11 types. Average of appearance bird genus was 1 day 15.9 type.
○■ , a liberal translation
○■ 雲ひとつない,い 天気. 空... The good weather there is no cloud one. The air [piritsu] was cool, but, among those warmly it became cheerful.
○■ The [hi] it is you do the air, but, the sunlight is warm.
○■ 最後は自分もホタ になって、... End by your becoming the glowfly, was the feeling which has had enough the darkness
○■ Yesterday enjoyed the coo l air in the Fuji five lakes of the Mt. Fuji base
○■ 去年はものすごく かったけど... Last year however it was cold tremendously, this year is cold so improbable
○■ In order to take the phot ograph and immediately nearly for there to be a nest, the poult it seems it comes and calls and also voice is audible
○■ 先月出ていなくて 今月あたら... As for the bird where last month it has not come out and the [te], this month does regrettably and the [ku] comes out, [daisagi] and the teal
○■ To be helpless, it change d to taking the kingfisher, but the time because angle α55 was brought up, when we would like to take also the flight photograph, it tried, but you could not take very well
○■ 今朝の出現鳥は, ったの 1... Now the appearance bird of morning passed 10 kinds. It is little.
○■ Today is not cold so.
○■ 今日の目的地は、 根駅伝で有... Now sunshine area the famous Ninomiya pushing ardently with the Hakone Race the bridge, a liberal translation
○■ This year Buna is the goo d harvest, so, the truth the large quantity had fallen to the edge of the driveway, a liberal translation
○■ モズ シジュウカラ エナガ... [mozushijiyuukaraenagatsugumishiroharaakaharakashiradakaaojiaosagiruribitakijiyoubitakihiyodorikawasemimejirouguisunosurimiyamahoojiro] (sight-read) [tashigi] (sight-read) at present it is in the midst of rearranging
○■ [jiyoubitaki] and after a long time, [shijiyuukara] of the friend calling are not come out to play of this steadily, don't you think? it is
○■ オナガガモ,キン ロハジロが... The pintail, [kinkurohajiro] had stopped being., a liberal translation
○■ [aojienagashijiyuukara] t omorrow somehow the rain being may stop, some stress may be cancelled!, a liberal translation
○■ その後は、オナガ 群れに出会... After that, it encounters the crowd of [onaga], skill does the beautiful form thoroughly
○■ And migratory bird 3, a l iberal translation