- Head park of well
http://yokido.cocolog-nifty.com/today/2011/01/post-74ad.html Pintail and center male, a liberal translation Arrabio e macho do centro
- Don't you think? fall of the duck was, 11.27 renewals
http://mi-kee.cocolog-nifty.com/blog/2011/11/post-a3fc.html As for the pintail it is many even in the field river, but it is many even in the Tama river Quanto para ao arrabio é muito mesmo dentro o rio do campo, mas é muito mesmo dentro o rio de Tama
- Japanese weblog
http://kdo.cocolog-nifty.com/blog/2010/10/20101016-6cc8.html The pintail increased to 6 feathers. “You did not see and started and” in the waterway near, attached the bill to the water surface and took the [pashiyapashiya] feed. O arrabio aumentou a 6 penas. “Você não viu e começado e” na via navegável próximo, não uniu a conta à superfície da água e não tomou a alimentação [do pashiyapashiya].
- Japanese Letter
http://shibalabo.air-nifty.com/tawake/2010/04/post-65a6.html After you looked at [onaga] thoroughly, more and more to in the forest Após você olhou [o onaga] completamente, cada vez mais na floresta
- 鳥@仙台堀川公園 2009年10月24日(土)
http://kdo.cocolog-nifty.com/blog/2009/10/20091024-faf8.html The pintail, [kinkurohajiro] had stopped being., a liberal translation O arrabio, [kinkurohajiro] tinha parado de ser.
Japanese Tit, Nature,