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○■ Last year the lottery at all was, but very this year you prayed to the gold coin grass, but…
○■ 庭の巣箱のシジュ カラ・・・... [shijiyuukara] of birdhouse in garden…
○■ The tail feather seeing, dream of [shibesen] went out
○■ 少し肌寒い天気で が、真光寺... A little it is the skin cold weather, but it tried walking to the true optical temple park, while stepping on the fallen leaves which will be been a little moist when you walk through the forest, it is what, sweet smell does, a liberal translation
○■ It seems the cold way, so it seems that is not., a liberal translation
○■ 天気のいい日には 野鳥のdi... Diy of the wild bird starts in the day when weather is good
○■ Becoming the evening 4 [j i] vicinities, also [jiyoubitaki] returning, because you rival it is not, today with removal, end
○■ 南よりの熱い風が く吹いてい... The wind whose is hotter than south has blown strongly.
○■ Also today lining up, you showed
○■ 他にもエナガの群 やシジュウ... The crowd of [enaga] and the crowd of [shijiyuukara] the large quantity it could see to in addition to
○■ Today the duck and the gu ll are main
○■ 今年もやってみま た、昨年の... This year it tried doing, 10 large news of last year!
○■ 或 [ru] when it has been about probably to end also September, leaving to spare time, that when it is sat down in the bench, it blended to Japanese white-eye and [shijiyuukara] and discovered [ezobitaki] something it does not come out the unusual bird,, a liberal translation
○■ メジロは大勢で移 するので、... Because the Japanese white-eye moves with the multitude, in the bird bus of the morning noon, circumstances of the order waiting, a liberal translation
○■ The bulbul the large quan tity it was, a liberal translation
○■ カワラヒワの給餌 ーンも見つ... You found also the feeding scene of [kawarahiwa, a liberal translation
○■ These are many word of blog in Japanese the most recent topics.
○■ アカハラも渡りの 中で寄って... It probably is something where also [akahara] approaches in the middle of crossing, a liberal translation
○■ Sound of attraction is au dible
○■ やはり、 クーちゃ ん が気に... After all, don't you think? Kuu becomes matter of concern, ~ how did yesterday, the kana ~・・・ with the image which is evacuated, the photograph of 24 days was used
○■ Already it is a little pe rserverance
○■ また、窓からバー ウォチング... , a liberal translation
○■ First, it participates in the searching bird meeting of the Higashiyama botanical garden, a liberal translation
○■ とっても楽しかっ のですが、... Very, it is to be pleasant, but in order for the body to think, it came to the point of with knowing the actuality which does not move
○■ The positive shining is s trong nevertheless, a liberal translation
○■ それでもちょっと 転車に乗り... Even then you wanted to ride in the just a little bicycle, loitering neighborhood
○■ With the side, bamboo. Th e bamboo of business was cut
○■ その様子を見に行 と一匹のカ... When the circumstances it goes to seeing, the child of one mantis was
○■ “This year, [shijiyuuka ra] “this year which for the first time comes to the garden”, you contribute with video powered by @nifty video joint ownership other way and [burogu] of [shijiyuukara] which for the first time comes to the garden”, but the nest of the sparrow drumstick which to the garden was removed
○■ シジュウカラは小 な鳥ですが... [shijiyuukara] is the small bird, you just do not see, it can see at the familiar place but that it is unexpected,, a liberal translation