- Newcomer!, a liberal translation
http://ken2y.cocolog-nifty.com/blog/2011/01/post-1a02.html 5d where as for the small bird which now morning appears with that, the small bird of the regular and color were different a little, set 300mm to the vicinityⅱBecause it was, is the window crossing over which becomes dirty, but that distinctiveness customer was taken 5d donde en cuanto al pequeño pájaro que ahora la mañana aparece con ésa, estaban diferentes el pequeño pájaro del asiduo y el color un pequeño, fijó 300m m a la vecindadⅱPorque era, es la travesía de la ventana sobre el cual llega a ser sucia, solamente tomaron ese cliente de la distinción
- As for park of lingering summer heat
http://attyann.way-nifty.com/kokoro/2011/09/post-2101.html Even then, the truth of the flowering dogwood of the park a little became colored, a liberal translation Incluso entonces, la verdad del dogwood floreciente del parque un poco se coloreó
- hirenjaku hakken ��
http://yaeyama.cocolog-nifty.com/iitaihoudai/2011/03/post-85ba.html Even then you wanted to ride in the just a little bicycle, loitering neighborhood Incluso entonces usted quiso montar en apenas la pequeña bicicleta, callejeando la vecindad
- ふしょーじ
http://dokodemo-yachou.cocolog-nifty.com/blog/2009/10/post-73fa.html Even then the lower tail covert just a little yellow - Incluso entonces el abrigo de cola más bajo apenas un poco amarillo -
Japanese Tit, Nature,