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○■ 江戸時代の白川郷� ��金森藩と... As for Shirakawa home village of the Edo era Kanamori feudal clan and pure land truth. It becomes the illuminating lotus temple, as for the Kanamori feudal clan heaven territory is afterwards
○■ And you sleep in the car portable midway, - with, from 8 o'clock it is the storm at zoom in Saturday…Sleeping [re] well… Perhaps renewal probability of the [a] and the portable diary it rises,
○■ 相倉集落を写す、� ��メラが駐車場... The phase warehouse village is copied, the camera was installed in the tower of the parking zone
○■ 坊ちゃん達も私も� ��しいものがイ... The boys those which I want were [itsupai
○■ The [yo] vvvv snow which is the Shirakawa home village of the winter - - -!!!! [tsu] [te] tension it has risen it is, but it got off at the service area, immediately,
○■ 写真を撮るという� ��はあくまでも... The photograph is taken, to the last only they are auxiliary ones,
○■ このバスは高速の� ��中にも停留所... This bus was a stop even on the middle of high speed, ic it was soon main and several degrees you parked, a liberal translation
○■ 「白川郷・五箇山� ��合掌造り集落... As “a praying hands making village of the Shirakawa home village Goka mountain”, it faced to the phase warehouse praying hands making village which is registered to 1995 1 worldwide cultural inheritance
○■ 12月30〜31� ��☆... December 30 - 31 days*, a liberal translation
○■ Flying 騨 alpine Shiraka wa home village Gero hot spring '09- '10 latest edition ([matsupurumagajin] Tokai 8) writer: Publisher/manufacturer: Showa sentence corporation sale day: 2009/02 media: Large-sized book, a liberal translation
○■ 飛騨牛ほう葉みそ� ��肉御膳... Flying 騨 cow bract seeing [so] burning meat tray, a liberal translation
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