- The Sado island and the Shirakawa home village itinerary which you look back with the photograph
http://dragate.blog.shinobi.jp/Entry/985/ As for this silver weak with the Sado island main to Shirakawa home village and Noto peninsula Como para esta prata fraca com o cano principal do console de Sado à vila de Shirakawa e à península home de Noto
- Worldwide heritage Shirakawa home village returning on the same day touring (Tokyo ⇔ Shirakawa home village 928km), a liberal translation
http://teramaru-r.cocolog-nifty.com/blog/2011/06/928km-323e.html Once upon a time when we would like to try going, the Shirakawa home village of worldwide heritage, a liberal translation Uma vez quando nós gostaríamos de tentar ir, a vila home de Shirakawa da herança mundial
- We life rice field wheat 俣 multilayer private house
http://speedbmb719.cocolog-nifty.com/blog/2009/09/post-c086.html It was the schedule which goes to the worldwide heritage which remembers that Shirakawa home village Era a programação que vai à herança mundial que recorda essa vila home de Shirakawa
- But worldwide heritage (^^ HKDRT
http://strawberry-float.blog.so-net.ne.jp/2009-08-10 That vistaquestvq1005 no one probably will take perhaps with this toy camera,… even the worldwide heritage Shirakawa home village the galley [tsu] it is you could not take the photograph as expected, although (either ^^ & [nani] have not done, the shift lens [tsu] [po] to be, therefore love and respect ♪ vistaquestvq1005 the tower the galley [tsu] [te] [bakitsu] which comes!! * (x_x) with vistaquestvq1005 heat tower with [guniyaguniya]… [bakitsu]!! (- _-) =○ () ゜o゜) [autsu]!, a liberal translation Que vistaquestvq1005 ninguém provavelmente tomará talvez com esta câmera do brinquedo,… mesmo a vila home de Shirakawa da herança mundial a galera [tsu] ele é você não poderia tomar a fotografia como esperado, embora (um ou outro ^^ & [nani] não fêz, a lente do deslocamento [tsu] [po] ser, conseqüentemente o ♪ vistaquestvq1005 do amor e do respeito a torre a galera [tsu] [te] [bakitsu] que vem!! * (x_x) com a torre do calor vistaquestvq1005 com [guniyaguniya]… [bakitsu]!! (- ゜o゜) do =○ do _-) () [autsu]!
Shirakawa-go, Leisure,