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○■ 白川郷限定のご当 キティ、雪... It is the continuation of this area kitty of Shirakawa home village limitation and the Shirakawa home village kitty of the snow, a liberal translation
○■ もう少しいろいろ たかったけ... Already the varieties you saw a little, however you applied, considering procrastination, around 2:30 it came out of Gero, a liberal translation
○■ How we feared without kan a? It did not do so without either trembling, sat down directly and increased either [urouro, a liberal translation
○■ なんとバス停が雪 埋もれてい... How bus stop had been buried to the snow, a liberal translation
○■ とにかく撮影を・ ・
反対... In any case photographing… the Hakusan mountain range was visible on opposite side! Why what you look at the high mountains the favorite!
○■ Nevertheless creak it is the [tsu] [te], there is a filter in the noodle, those where consists of, above the eye which was seen full it becomes the stomach
○■ さて、9月6日の の日記です... May be linked to more detailed information..
○■ けっこういい感じ 町並みで、... Fairly well, you called and with the rows of buildings in town of feeling, the sightseer had promenaded sporadically
○■ Once upon a time, climbin g, however like fish swamp Komagatake it should have been the [ya] - [tsu] [te] you watched, to inspect, because the [ya] to be, it is what, the [ya] it is from in the [wa],
○■ あとはfujiyamaも久 ... After passing also fujiyama after a long time, first the [hi] ゙ [hi] ゙ [ri] it increased
○■ Highland snow hiking Dain ichi with respect to up-to-date article shine mountain bc skiing “of snow” category peak field 伏 peak Shirakawa home village Goka mountain
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