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○■ 「風景」カテゴリ 最新記事... The yellow coloring of leaves of the ginkgo of the up-to-date article Shiroyama park “of scenery” category (Tateyama city) Mt. Fuji was visible, a liberal translation
○■ 10月初めまでは咲 ていたん... Blooming to the October beginning, hurting, the shank, a liberal translation
○■ Furthermore, isn't the de clared yellow coloring of leaves is not yellow always, in sense of the extent, leaf which stain is?, a liberal translation
○■ そして、被災され 方々が一刻... That the life where and, the people who suffer moment are quick, are better is achieved you have asked
○■ 落ちてる葉っぱも レイ~♪... Falling, the [ru] leaf [tsu] [pa] the clean ~♪
○■ If before the tinted autu mn leaves yellow coloring of leaves date reply is studied, stocks of the man rising, you are not wrong!! The [a], high it is the leaf of the tree, but to the mechanism where the trees and shrubs are funny the eye is made to direct will have decided a little
○■ まだまだ赤くなり うですね~... It may become still red, don't you think? is, the ~, a liberal translation
○■ 「野鳥の来る庭創 中」... “During garden creating where the wild bird comes”, a liberal translation
○■ Today when “workshop 'i t applies the up-to-date article tomorrow of animated picture” category and the tray makes and' it is the tomorrow which has done business directing into the spring when we do business the news of business hour
○■ 「紅葉訪ねて」写 展まちなか... “The tinted autumn leaves visiting,” introduction of the salon exhibition work while the photograph spreading/displaying waiting is end at today
○■ 黄葉も同じく茶の れ葉に交じ... Being mixed also the yellow coloring of leaves in the dead leaves of brown similarly, appealing yellow, a liberal translation
Yellow leaves,
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