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○■ 「カコちゃんの独 言」カテゴ... Up-to-date article lunar eclipse “of soliloquize category of [kako]” (picture) offer today some day??? Becoming Siwasu, as for Sakaiminato the season last form of the crab
○■ Up-to-date article Novemb er 17th “of moblog” category (wood) [bu] and coming November 16th (water) [bu] and coming November 14th (month) [bu] and coming November 13th (day) [bu] and coming November 12th (Saturday) [bu] and coming
○■ 本日は3回目の歌 レッスンで... This day was the lesson of 3rd song
○■ As for time of the child there was a very important fair, summer vacation, but before becoming extremely the society member, the feeling, gradually with this time of today when the tip is visible just serious
○■ Because this year the lin gering summer heat and fall, it seems that difference of air temperature of the first winter is large extremely, also the tinted autumn leaves are quick, whether it is the [chi] [ya] [u], you thought, but it seems like like the common year without either such a thing somehow, a liberal translation
○■ 季節は、入れ替わ 始めたよう... It seems that inserts season and, starts substituting
○■ Tutelary deity like local end it was said that (the maggot seeing) is defeated to Izumo, working hard/employment (is in farm working and the [so]) does and appraises the function of one year of man and woman of [mu] village, consults matchmaking
○■ 初めての場所なの 、探り探り... Because it is the new place, you searched and threw in [mino] to seeking
○■ もちろん青空以外 も朝焼けに... Of course in addition to the blue sky in the morning glow the evening glow, it can enjoy also the starry sky of the whole sky in the night, it is
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