- Siwasu's yellow coloring of leaves, a liberal translation
http://chokokuji.at.webry.info/201112/article_6.html When the newspaper publishing company of local end places the article, the article which was processed to one for retention is given Quando a companhia de publicação do jornal da extremidade local coloc o artigo, o artigo que foi processado a um para a retenção está dado
- Akiyama view _111116
http://blog.goo.ne.jp/tiller8888/e/c2d2fe66c208933f6269bffecdeec00d?fm=rss That the life where and, the people who suffer moment are quick, are better is achieved you have asked Que a vida onde e, os povos que sofrem o momento são rápidos, é melhor é-lhe conseguido pediram
- Tinted autumn leaves _111123 of purple river river levee
http://blog.goo.ne.jp/tiller8888/e/c6bf5b3619f2da9f8cac935751391d32?fm=rss That the life where and, the people who suffer moment are quick, are better is achieved you have asked Que a vida onde e, os povos que sofrem o momento são rápidos, é melhor é-lhe conseguido pediram
- “Komoro cheer group” you were admitted!
http://nichikan.cocolog-nifty.com/blog/2011/11/post-eb3e.html While and, even presently you being exposed in the natural wind and rain, shape is changed…So, it is the place where reality is possible Quando e, mesmo presentemente você que estão sendo expor no vento natural e a chuva, forma forems… assim, sido o lugar onde a realidade é possível
- weblog title
http://blog.goo.ne.jp/soulful-bigover/e/01ad3051d00f38709464dca4704ad50c , a liberal translation E, queda do tempo fino o céu, recebida nos
Yellow leaves, Leisure,