- With reverse side ZOO of late fall tinted autumn leaves concentration, a liberal translation
http://nakayama-walk.air-nifty.com/blog/2010/12/zoo-220c.html The yellow coloring of leaves as for these trees and shrubs which are done some kana? [chidorinoki]? If the leaf was picked up, it was good A coloração amarela das folhas quanto para a estas árvores e arbustos que são feitos algum kana? [chidorinoki]? Se a folha foi pegarada, era bom
- Getting wet fallen leaves
http://artart.way-nifty.com/sketch/2010/11/post-7f3b.html The yellow coloring of leaves doing, the leaf of the ginkgo which falls had gotten wet to the rain, a liberal translation A coloração amarela das folhas que fazem, a folha do ginkgo que cai tinha começ molhada à chuva
- Seeing “love dyeing discernment king” of the Kanazawa library., a liberal translation
http://blog.goo.ne.jp/kounanhirato1127/e/9caef05e00f889e5e064796e20b97b0e Near Yamashita park of yellow coloring of leaves and rose Perto do parque de Yamashita da coloração amarela das folhas e levantou-se
- The Showa commemoration park (2) - it withers, the way
http://blogs.yahoo.co.jp/shirotayas/61846602.html Rather than calling the yellow coloring of leaves, is the one which is called the dead leaf as for state close? Um pouco do que chamando a coloração amarela das folhas, é essa que é chamada a folha inoperante quanto para ao fim do estado?
- Quiet late fall
http://blog.goo.ne.jp/cheer_001/e/3a2d0e7f240d2a7c9edfbc0fdfe1ebae The yellow coloring of leaves it is beautiful, it is the quiet wood A coloração amarela das folhas que é bonita, ele é a madeira quieta
- 9728 AKI☆ [kore] openings. o○
http://blogs.yahoo.co.jp/sssgtr34/11564311.html Being mixed also the yellow coloring of leaves in the dead leaves of brown similarly, appealing yellow, a liberal translation Sendo misturado igualmente a coloração amarela das folhas nas folhas inoperantes do marrom similarmente, amarelo atraente
- Topicos japones e problemas opiniao recomendacoes Impressoes opinioes discussao Outros
http://blog.livedoor.jp/sansaki/archives/1205190.html Also the poplar which has become the yellow coloring of leaves has come coming out, but because all Namiki still receives the yellow coloring of leaves from this, you think that it can enjoy from now on, Igualmente o poplar que se transformou a coloração amarela das folhas tem-no sair vindo, mas porque todo o Namiki ainda recebe a coloração amarela das folhas desta, pensa que pode apreciar a partir de agora,
Yellow leaves, Leisure,