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○■ 黄色に変わるのを 葉(こうよう... The yellow coloring of leaves (like this the way, the concave way) with it is that it changes to yellow, “yellow of the leaf depends on the pigment carotenoid, a liberal translation
○■ 道路を挟んで向か 側の木々が黄... Putting the road, it faced and the trees side had done the yellow coloring of leaves
○■ The [chi] and others you look at rock-climbing midway, while looking at the odd rock and the big rocky mountain, watching the trees of the mountains which start to become red, first you aim toward the firm cascade, the cascade which arrives excessively is not brave with the sliding cascade, but the blue sky and the yellow coloring of leaves and the cascade matching, very it is clean, a liberal translation
○■ 紅葉も綺麗だけど 黄葉がまたい... But the tinted autumn leaves clean the yellow coloring of leaves glows and as for red in the calling and yellow furthermore
○■ 紅葉
わが国の植物 の世界の春を... If representing the spring of the world of the plant of tinted autumn leaves our country the cherry tree other flowers, aren't those where the fall is gathered and summarized the tinted autumn leaves which center the maple?, a liberal translation
○■ The winter [ri] spring, i f the [ri] it comes, it does not to call and also the bird comes and the calling [nu] does not to bloom however the flower 咲 the mountain either the thicket entering [te] does not take the grass depth taking [te] does not see at the leaf of the Akiyama tree looks the yellow coloring of leaves takes the [te] [so] does there where the position coming, the [so] you grieve the [hu] blue coming does and is reproachful the Akiyama crack
○■ 写真は地区の公民 でやってる年... As for the photograph doing at the public citizen's hall of the area, the snap of [ru] New Year's greeting card lecture 2nd day
○■ クリック宜しくm(_ _)m... Click it may m (_ _) m ------------------------------------------------------------------- 2 places to click, to be possible Popularity [burogu
○■ By the way, it is digress ion, but when before coming, it introduced to the next door of this park, (this*) There is a rattan shelf
○■ そして、西の果て は紅葉に彩ら... And, in the end west it is possible to the Nishiyama mountain range which is colored in the tinted autumn leaves to look around,
○■ しかし、私の住む ではあまり見... But, in the town where I live there are no times when you happen to see excessively
○■ Because this day in the a fternoon had taken the semi- 休, to ginkgo Namiki of the shrine outer garden where either 10 minutes are not required from the company
○■ この写真、クリッ すると大きく... When this photograph, it clicks, it becomes large
○■ ここから源頭の東 って山に登る... There is a road which from here is climbed in the east [bo] [tsu] [te] mountain of the source head
○■ The mountaintop was in th e cloud, but somehow commemoration photographing was done with everyone, a liberal translation
○■ <志津の街道入り 付近の紅葉... <Tinted autumn leaves near will Tsu highway entrance >, a liberal translation
○■ Still, it seems a little quick way in the tinted autumn leaves, but red and the yellow leaf and the red truth starts being visible in the here and there
○■ 大峰山の黄葉は綺 だった... The large Mineyama yellow coloring of leaves was clean
Yellow leaves,
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