- From Takano river to lower duck shrine
http://kyoto-albumwalking2.cocolog-nifty.com/blog/2011/11/post-1e9f.html Click it may m (_ _) m ------------------------------------------------------------------- 2 places to click, to be possible Popularity [burogu Clique pode m (_) do _ m ------------------------------------------------------------------- 2 lugares a estalar, para ser possível Popularidade [burogu
- 2011 tinted autumn leaves 圓 optical temple 10 cow 之 gardens
http://kyoto-albumwalking2.cocolog-nifty.com/blog/2011/11/2011-c4a7.html Click it may m (_ _) m ------------------------------------------------------------------- 2 places to click, to be possible Popularity [burogu Clique pode m (_) do _ m ------------------------------------------------------------------- 2 lugares a estalar, para ser possível Popularidade [burogu
- Heaven dragon temple 曹 source pond garden 12011 tinted autumn leaves
http://kyoto-albumwalking2.cocolog-nifty.com/blog/2011/11/2011-efdf.html Click it may m (_ _) m ------------------------------------------------------------------- 2 places to click, to be possible Popularity [burogu Clique pode m (_) do _ m ------------------------------------------------------------------- 2 lugares a estalar, para ser possível Popularidade [burogu
- From 2011 tinted autumn leaves heaven dragon temple north gates
http://kyoto-albumwalking2.cocolog-nifty.com/blog/2011/11/post-1512.html Click it may m (_ _) m ------------------------------------------------------------------- 2 places to click, to be possible The support which is pinch it may -> [burogu] village -> -------------------------------------------------------------------, a liberal translation Clique pode m (_) do _ m ------------------------------------------------------------------- 2 lugares a estalar, para ser possível Popularidade [burogu
Yellow leaves, Leisure,