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○■ 「よい」「もう少 」の2段階... “It is good”, you do not understand at all whether it is to call is, at “already a little” 2 stages, it is bad, whether it is, but (the ~_~;)
○■ Not to be the mother-in-l aw, the father-in-law
○■ 田作り、ぶりの照 き、黒豆... The rice field making, the way of the illuminating burning, you intend to try using in black bean something
○■ To last year the movement was the air conditioner of [imaichi], but because this year it moved, it is the brand-new air conditioner
○■ 日曜日は三次で、 イトって... Sunday being tertiary, with the byte [tsu] lever, it faced to tertiary early morning together
○■ Actually after the stove starts being various types developed entering into Meiji is, but don't you think? I was as for time of junior high school still the “coal stove”
○■ 午後から図書館に ったり、... To go to the library from afternoon, at Jusco Co., Ltd. the year. It ordered, a liberal translation
○■ Entering this week, as fr om the fall at a stroke changed into the winter, you are moved
○■ まったく違うバン なんだけ... Completely, but band what which is different being able to attract something?
○■ That you think whether we ll the one that “it is not”, correct answer, a liberal translation
○■ ほかにもあ「あん とよむも... Don't you think? there are some which are read [a] “bean jam” to in addition to “the paper-covered lamp stand (the paper-covered lamp stand)”, with something those where “it goes”, in other words it means “being able to move”,, a liberal translation
○■ Because is, if just this it is risen, because (furthermore it is the case that you insert this in the sack, if), you put on the foot of the futon, whether it does not mean that the air of amount and the [atari] where the futon rises is warmed that …
○■ で、だから、とい わけでは... So, therefore, you think that with it is not the case that it is said, but the friend the wind came to meeting thickly
○■ In the extent which two e aves, we probably will dispose properly, a liberal translation
○■ しまったと思って 、燃やし... That you put away, even when thinking, as for the amount which you burn, well the plain gauze - it is not, being difficult after taking, rearranging, and others” … The [a] it is to do, said, or it is, …, a liberal translation
○■ The foot warmer was produ ced as expected
○■ おいしい柿をいっ 〜い頂き... It was and the [tsu] [pa] - was and received the tasty persimmon
○■ The quantity of the hot w ater is more than the normal bedpan, so is, a liberal translation
○■ あとは、各電化製 を、使っ... After, after using each electrification product, keeping wiping restlessly, while often wiping also the refrigerator, in order well somehow to become shape, we would like to keep cleaning, -
○■ The foot warmer however p ower source you are not inserting, direct rare seems the how good way
○■ by kirscheshi... by kirsc heshimo ON twitter, a liberal translation
○■ The k tie you forgot today
○■ コタツ欲しいねぇ ぇぇ((((... Don't you think? the foot warmer we want, the [e] [e] [e] [e] ((((the ~~▽~~;)))Bull bull bull
○■ When the foot warmer is p roduced, because it is tend to do unintentionally lazily, we would like to pay attention,, a liberal translation
○■ コタツに居ても、 ソコン触って... Staying in the foot warmer, the personal computer touching, the cod hand super is cool
○■ The VTR of the Honolulu m arathon it is perusal at the home entering the foot warmer, a liberal translation
○■ コタツでうたた寝 きる日本人で... You think that it is truly happy with the Japanese who can doze at the foot warmer
○■ Generally you wiped the w indow of the place where temporarily, it is visible
○■ ところがその二日 に、なんと今... However after that two days, how this time big black ones came out, a liberal translation
○■ When and breakfast, the m orning boiled rice [tsu] [te] which you do not make by your you say tastily