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○■ ちなみにこの日は ール一杯後、... By the way this day the beer all the way after, with the juice end, a liberal translation
○■ The � � real �2011 year December 03rd returns (sat) The appearance where also the year-end party father so seems from now on and the parent and child is even and therefore the vicinity simultaneous properly does just a little tension 18: 24: 40
○■ 「ひとりごと」カ ゴリの最新... “Every one person” the up-to-date article [u] of category - it is (; _;) Be completed cripes absentmindedness state
○■ Approximately yesterday w ith the fair weather, 'this year of father workshop' from around 2 o'clock in the afternoon last regular meeting, a liberal translation
○■ とりあえず来週末 旦那にお風... Temporarily, it comes and weekend makes the bath and the external wall to the master clean!!! Do I do the kitchen?, a liberal translation
○■ 「とりあえず」カ ゴリの最新... “Temporarily” up-to-date article December 1st of category (the wood) the [bu] and coming November 30th (the water) the [bu] and coming November 28th (month) the [bu] and coming November 27th (day) the [bu] and coming November 25th (the gold) the [bu] and the coming, a liberal translation
○■ 「陸上競技」カテ リの最新記... The thing term-end consideration which goes to the up-to-date article hospital “of track and field” category and feels concerning the anemia which starts the present from the graduate
○■ 忘年会シーズンに 入しました... The thrust stripe it does in year-end party season, the seed, a liberal translation
○■ Well, the rain still fall ing, today when it increases there was schedule of the outside event, but doing freely and easily with the notion that where either the helping which is modified to the interior it does not need excessively, [bochibochi] which it increases we will have decided to go well
○■ December 3rd (the Saturda y), the people of the bicycle riding of Iwaki such as such as teamwinner, ibm and SAM getting together, the multitude year-end party was sponsored, a liberal translation
○■ このモデルへの発 者の思いや... Being in detail published by [burogu] of the gt-r maniac, it increases the thinking and prejudice and erudition of the order person to this model,
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