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○■ shoulder …
○■ non non &helli... non non …
○■ hit!!! hit…
○■ 3日(土) 4日(日) お... 3 days (the Saturday) 4 days (day) the day off you can point
○■ 21 days (the water) to Na ra classroom 10 o'clock from 11 o'clock to 14 o'clock, 19:20 after it has been less crowded from 15 o'clock to 16 o'clock
○■ 12/27-28も通常... As m any as 12/27-28 normality
○■ November 30th did year-en d party, a liberal translation
○■ ブログランキング 参加し... It participates in [burogurankingu
○■ When drinking, to drink t horoughly, [aho] all the way and the [tsu] [chi] [ya] [u
○■ 金曜日は2つの棚 拭いた... Friday two shelves were wiped
○■ Because you are appreciat ion by your can move about freely, a liberal translation
○■ 明日で、今月終わ だし... This month it starts ending at tomorrow,
○■ As for the night the liqu or and one item increasing, close resemblance naginicai of the past years
○■ 何だか本人にまか っきりなの... It is what, because entrust to this person it is the [tsu] drill, unless just a little following, don't you think?
○■ Today was cold suddenly, is
○■ 久しぶりの人たち ら、忘年会... From the infrequent people, the invitation of year-end party Christmas meeting at a stroke increased
○■ Of course, because it is occupation as an enterprise business trip fee it enters, but this one as for me the air became easy
○■ そして彼は私を脅 す... And he threatens me
○■ And, because your own, a liberal translation
○■ せっかくの新居訪 でしたが…... With special care, it was new house visit, but…
○■ So, thinking, it does not persevere, the [tsu] [chi] [ya
○■ いつもお世話にな ていま〜す... Always to you taking care, now - it does
○■ Returning home of yesterd ay was 8:30, a liberal translation
○■ 今朝からお隣さん 知人にお... Now from morning next door and the sharing it did in the acquaintance, a liberal translation
○■ Until the sunglasses are removed, say, removing, who the Sado champion Ida player of this year when you do not understand whether is,
○■ そして毎年、繁忙 突入の土... And every year, Saturday of busy period thrust year-end party
○■ Well well, is cooking in this year probably what kind of ones?
○■ 結局、東京メトロ のおかげで忘... After all, with Tokyo metro way favor reaching in thing left behind center, it increased
○■ It was splendid truly, is
○■ 忘年会やらクリス スムードで世... Also the world 賑 and seems the kana way with year-end party Christmas mood