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○■ Last night it was year-en d party of the “team bee saw”. On same December 3rd, doing also last year at the same continent esophagus Tatebayashi store, the better seed., a liberal translation
○■ ブログネタ:忘年 の予定いくつ... [buroguneta]: Schedule how many of year-enies party entering, the [ru]? While participating can be less crowded with 0, (Î)? Laughing
○■ December 2nd (the gold) t onight was year-end party “of block association of relations”
○■ 昨日は定休日だっ ので、... Because yesterday was fixed holiday, the year-end party of green was done
○■ Yesterday as for the olde r sister you stay
○■ 我が家は106番 に会員とな... The pad became the 106th member in, the vegetable the commodity lines up into the shop front many in the center
○■ The ♪ where this is tas ty after all, a liberal translation
○■ まあ、team宴 やしなー^... Well, the team feast palm - the ^^
○■ で、今日の昼食が ちら... So, present lunch this
○■ Exactly positive hitting, shining, it was visible, a liberal translation
○■ そんなこんなで1 会も大盛況... With also such a primary meeting in large prosperity ends such a, the [a] naturally it is secondary meeting
○■ “The [u] it is, with ev eryone [ee] person and”
○■ 今日も晴天になる うだ... It seems that also today becomes the fair weather
○■ また、首相は武器 出を事実上... In addition, the prime minister has prohibited weapon export in fact extensively, the thought relief of “weapon export three principle” of stating, a liberal translation
○■ With year-end party seaso n arrival shank
○■ 昨日の雨模様によ 心配してま... Worrying with the signs of rain of yesterday, it increased, but it cleared up, -
○■ This year and after a lit tle is, but the wave it has risen! The year-end remainder little you will pass to be pleasant! Inside store such feeling
○■ 今年は東北の津波 あったでし... This year there was a tidal wave of northeast with to do, the [yo
○■ If “the up-to-date arti cle of my thing” category so you said,… in Macao… me… from today it became mark! It is trivial,… Sunday? Insecure feeling… you passed with countryside!
○■ It will withstand today p lacidly
○■ もちろんデイリー のブルピノも... Of course there is also [burupino] daily, but it is, being wasted unintentionally, you are troubled
○■ Well this month year-end party and Christmas countdown and event are many
○■ 昨年から始まった 場の忘年会... Good plan in the year-end party of the workplace where it starts from last year,
○■ And clo of master you rec ommend
○■ 「仕事」カテゴリ 最新記事... Up-to-date article classroom lunch year-end party Sunday “of work” category with something the Chinese noodles the television which was eaten is seen bean rain Saturday to the church, a liberal translation
○■ at 23:22 , オール... a t 23:22, old salt and liquor -, -, pookmark, a liberal translation
○■ しかし師走も、も 5日です... But also Siwasu, already is 5 days
○■ The Christmas beer it arr ived, a liberal translation
○■ さて、飯田橋から 憶が曖昧で... Well, memory being ambiguous from the Ida bridge
○■ tweet check