- Fragrance of aroma
http://funkyeducation.cocolog-nifty.com/blog/2011/12/post-2cd1.html And, handwritten memo, a liberal translation Et, note manuscrite
- Inside the company [yaha] ゙ [i] it has meant very thing (the ´Д `;)
http://matuken-sekkei.cocolog-nifty.com/blog/2011/12/post-02bf.html And, the human majority which is visible from yesterday my seat started doing the mask Et, la majorité humaine qui est évidente d'hier mon siège a commencé à faire le masque
- Goldfish cyprinodont various plant of lobby, a liberal translation
http://kizantei.blog93.fc2.com/blog-entry-2795.html And, this day year-end party of local end is the large quantity and others you do Et, cette partie de fin d'année de jour d'extrémité locale est la grande quantité et d'autres vous faites
- Christmas & year-end party 2011, a liberal translation
http://toypoodle.tea-nifty.com/dolly_megu/2011/12/post-fcda.html And, you prepare also the premium for the ○× two 択 quizzes separately from present exchange Et, vous préparez également la prime pour les jeux de 択 du ○× deux séparément de l'échange actuel
- 73rd regular meeting - year-end party
http://blogs.yahoo.co.jp/mutyuukannji/64574298.html And, this time SIME as for greeting Et, cette fois SIME quant à la salutation
- New Year's greeting card project starting!!
http://blog.livedoor.jp/fujimakichiryoujyo/archives/1750522.html And, today for New Year's greeting card compilation, holiday going to work, you finish the printing job of roster compilation and the surface Et, aujourd'hui pour la compilation de carte de voeux de nouvelle année, des vacances allant travailler, vous finissez le tirage de la compilation de rôle et de la surface
- Year-end party?
http://kakky.cocolog-nifty.com/blog/2011/12/post-2db6.html And clo of master you recommend Et clo de maître que vous recommandez
Year-end party, Food And Drinks , japanese culture,