- Entrance and exit prohibition
http://piw.cocolog-nifty.com/piw/2011/12/post-84d8.html (_ * (○ (`_';)o [bakitsu]! (_ * (○ (« _ » ;)o [bakitsu] !
- I smell, (the ¯□¯; )
http://blog.goo.ne.jp/hamuane/e/e4478d94f4be29a059f42ac7253a7dc3 … The hospital of the mother December 1st it received with [tsu] [te] thing and 診 the garlic ill-smelling [punpun] making say, dr of the cerebral surgery it spoke the attendant distantly, it was ill-smelling, probably will be, - [etsuhehe] …, a liberal translation &hellip ; L'hôpital de la mère le 1er décembre il a reçu avec [tsu] [te] chose et le 診 l'ail [punpun] la fabrication que malodorante indiquent, Dr. de la chirurgie cérébrale il a parlé le préposé lointainement, il était malodorant, sera probablement, - [&hellip d'etsuhehe] ;
- From today December.
http://ameblo.jp/butterfly8beats/entry-11094383303.html (* … (* &hellip ;
- Stay 2 minute, a liberal translation
http://ameblo.jp/gum-gum/entry-11095122463.html () - … () - &hellip ;
- Berm kuchen*, a liberal translation
http://ameblo.jp/modea-yukari/entry-11095092505.html (_) … &hellip (de _) ;
Year-end party, Food And Drinks , japanese culture,