- The pot which it has with north Shinchi.
http://ameblo.jp/sohmas/entry-11096996194.html Don't you think? today was the weather which will not be been clear, a liberal translation Вы не думаете? сегодня была погодой которая не будет быться ясной
- From Monday year-end party
http://clemens.cocolog-nifty.com/koi/2011/12/post-3316.html However also today is cold, it is good weather from morning Тем ме менее также сегодня холодно, хорошая погода от утра
- Sometimes probably praising by your
http://yellowcenterline.blog87.fc2.com/blog-entry-712.html Today (Saturday), going to the workplace from evening, the [tsu] it came and returned, a liberal translation Сегодня (суббота), идущ к рабочему месту от вечера, [tsu] оно пришло и возвратило
- Inhaling with Siwasu,…, a liberal translation
http://blog.goo.ne.jp/okasiraya/e/5cb6c33f36a99756c21ee1b60483b125 As for world from today with Siwasu inhaling Как для мира от сегодня с вдыхать Siwasu
- It is cold!, a liberal translation
http://blog.goo.ne.jp/butacocoakaijuuchiisukeandyou/e/4e9c45a4a75f943077b93c9efa4b17a2 Today being cold, is the cool rain from shank (≧ω≦) morning Сегодня холодн, хвостовик (≧ω≦) холодный дождь от утра
- Good morning it is
http://ameblo.jp/sunplus-rin/entry-11094399889.html From today being fast with “Siwasu,” December oh with it passed shank this year between the [yu] [u От сегодня быстрое с «Siwasu,» декабрь oh с им прошло хвостовиком этот год между [yu] [u
Year-end party, Food And Drinks , japanese culture,