- Lesson & year-end party ♪
http://ameblo.jp/vega923/entry-11099112139.html Yesterday, also today was the lesson Ontem, igualmente era hoje a lição
- 1st JJC year-end party
http://blog.livedoor.jp/calpis324/archives/52230398.html Yesterday was 1st jjc year-end party, but… Ontem era partido year-end do ø jjc, mas…
- Overtime duty, a liberal translation
http://blog.goo.ne.jp/kenju2007/e/5bd6f5ceac4f0390d363c1bd5183e9c1 Yesterday one pair was year-end party of the quick ward. About 1 hours .k teacher where k teacher of the breathing apparatus course which lately, you have always taken care reveals oneself already is 50 generations from start, a liberal translation Ontem um par era partido year-end da divisão rápida. Aproximadamente 1 hora de professor de .k onde o professor de k do curso do instrumento de respiração que ultimamente, você ciao sempre se revela oneself já é 50 gerações do começo
- Circumstance -
http://y-gonchi.jugem.jp/?eid=2626 Yesterday you drank too much in the year-end party…, a liberal translation Ontem você bebeu demasiado no partido year-end…
- In memory 2011…, a liberal translation
http://blog.goo.ne.jp/qianxun2008/e/c412d647fc17ee56371760f85c8ce949 Yesterday was year-end party related to work Ontem era partido year-end relativo ao trabalho
- * [atsuatsu] 餃 child*, a liberal translation
http://ameblo.jp/mrh2929/entry-11096329329.html The supper of yesterday was the 餃 child with [reshipi] of the opposite house, a liberal translation A ceia de ontem era a criança do 餃 com [reshipi] da casa oposta
- Year-end party sheath ゙ [n] arrival!
http://ameblo.jp/shuala/entry-11096416619.html Yesterday was year-end party of the workplace Ontem era partido year-end do local de trabalho
- Year-end party
http://ameblo.jp/yakuzaishi-k/entry-11096442204.html Last night it was year-end party of the pharmacy A noite passada era partido year-end da farmácia
Year-end party, Food And Drinks , japanese culture,