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○■ ブログネタ:自分 部屋、掃除す... [buroguneta]: Your own room, as for the frequency which it cleans? In the midst of participation
○■ Today it did general clea ning with staff everyone, the office which will be been clear feeling is very good, is
○■ (o^-^o)...
○■ Also work is end at today !! Also the farm shop of the oiler is general cleaning
○■ ギリギリですが大 除始めま... It is last, but general cleaning it began
○■ Finally this year last day
○■ 2012年の 幕開けで ... It is opening 2012
○■ Contribution from android carrying, a liberal translation
○■ 2011年7月22〜24日に ... 3 performing which on 2011 July 22 - 24th are held with the Seibu dome “the [tsu] plain gauze [a] - it goes, the [o] -! Recording in Seibu dome”
○■ Also 2011 more and more w ith the final the shank ♪
○■ 12月28日(水 の日記... December 28th (water) diary, a liberal translation
○■ Your good year! With hug doing, it divided
○■ 来年が皆さんにと て素晴らし... Next year way it is splendid year for everyone,…, a liberal translation
○■ Usually, how good word ar ising in great numbers,, a liberal translation
○■ 昨日の10時くら から始めて... Beginning from about 10 of yesterday o'clock, at last pause
○■ Yesterday on the 1st, the snow fell and/or stopped and/or it was weather, a liberal translation
○■ 年末のおおお掃除 、終了しま... Also cleaning in end of year ended,, a liberal translation
○■ [pochitsupochitsu] we ask also today to such a me distantly
○■ 今日は 龍(りゅう) ース... The dragon (the [ri] [yu] [u]) it received today with course
○■ This year one year, it se emed the tired way, ()
○■ 今年を振り返ると. .. Looking back at this year, a liberal translation
○■ This year as been the lar ge turning point of Japan, and the world March earthquake disaster, nuclear radioactivity problem, in addition to increase in yen value, you think strongly
○■ 今年の汚れを落と て、新年を... Removing the soiling of this year, we would like to enter New Year,, a liberal translation
○■ When [burogu] is done, be cause is not even, - - -
○■ サンタさんも
も 無事に故... [santa] it returns to the home safely probably will be rubbed and has been attached don't you think?, a liberal translation
○■ The Christmas dinner [tsu ] [po] to be, don't you think?! It is burning!
○■ ようやく時間がで たので、き... Finally because time was possible, today did general cleaning thoroughly from morning
○■ Whether or not of course you penetrating by your in everyone any circumstance, but the [ru] it is after penetrating, it is possible to attack from there? Don't you think? it probably is what
○■ まだ「これ買って 」とはいえ... Still “this buying!”Because with you cannot say
○■ So, that it was the vague st selection, however you thought afterwards, but… such the reason which is selected in regard to the insulative pot perhaps very the comfort,, a liberal translation