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○■ 忘年の案内やら招 状が、昨日... The guide the invitation of forgetting year, dropped in from yesterday
○■ December… schedule of g eneral cleaning inserting oral [ya, a liberal translation
○■ 11月には解消す と言って... Although you say that it cancels in November, -, at all
○■ Next week (it makes last but) planning the smut payment of the kitchen with this
○■ 年末まで観たい映 来るので... Because the movie which view wants it comes to end of year, unless general cleaning must be made quick, is, a liberal translation
○■ Today various thing will be clear, and called highest and it was weather, a liberal translation
○■ それはそれはボリ ームたっ... Furthermore that volume fully, you buy, the thing, a liberal translation
○■ Like this it became and t he kitchen did general cleaning with the [ya] [a] and increased
○■ いつもホント助か ます... Truth it is saved always, a liberal translation
○■ While beginning also gene ral cleaning,… cleaning of the cleaning garden of the scuttle fan window wiping sash… ended -, a liberal translation
○■ 今日は社宅の冬の 掃除でした... Today was general cleaning of the winter of the employee's house, a liberal translation
○■ Today, from morning gener al cleaning of garage
○■ 今日は、大掃除& 付けをしてい... Today, when it does general cleaning & it tidies up, 1 days oh with while saying, the favorite food of the daughter who is, are sweet. It continued to yesterday, kana with how many skin are peeled it received today the gift, this was the paragon, a liberal translation
○■ Therefore Christmas meeti ng, the kana where something it will put out and the thing will think and probably will solve
○■ やっぱり雨はイヤ な
12月は... After all because as for the rain ear shelf December as for that it is rushingly busy month, it is left over and that weather should have deteriorated, you think what, a liberal translation
○■ It is what, the air may b e dense 1 months, does
○■ そんな感じなので
とりあえず... Because it is such feeling, [burogu] writing temporarily, the [ru
○■ With such a younger broth er doing in 1 days the general cleaning which is not ended
○■ そろそろ年賀状や 大掃除やらの... Gradually, plan of the New Year's greeting card general cleaning must be raised, don't you think?. Without being able to have the reality that yet, 1 months after just a little this year it is ended, the feeling which is. Unless it will be secure.
○■ Yesterday, the cloud it w as many, is, but
○■ 今日は、朝から車 の大掃除... Today, from morning general cleaning of garage
○■ Already also December was the 4th
○■ 朝夕は冷えたけど 日中はわ... Always however it became cold, as for Japan and China it was yesterday which warm applies extremely, a liberal translation
○■ It entered into December,…
○■ android携帯からの投 稿... Contribution from android carrying, a liberal translation
○■ 早速、飾ってみま た... Promptly, it tried decorating, a liberal translation
○■ The tire having exchangin g in the master, when the air it has inserting with the stand, “being this tire useless, the shank, a liberal translation
○■ 年賀状書きや大掃 が目の前に... The New Year's greeting card writing and general cleaning have approached before the eye, but the ~ where warm day continues and is not reality (the _), a liberal translation
○■ At the airport of the ret urn the usual way it received the rice ball of the Sato marine products
○■ 午後はお出かけす ので・・大... Because in the afternoon we go out, busily it is large