- chat concentration
http://blog.goo.ne.jp/nonnon1230/e/a7529519ca24ad4a16baa1dc8f28929f Always however it became cold, as for Japan and China it was yesterday which warm applies extremely, a liberal translation Immer jedoch wurde es kalt, was Japan und China anbetrifft es gestern war, das warm extrem anwendet
- Being full reality. . .
http://blog.goo.ne.jp/nonnon1230/e/a2716c88bf643615a9aaa3bd1d8724b5 Yesterday the [ru] it is seriously from morning, cleaning properly with joint job, “if the [a], so you say, although the [tsu] [te] which the children's wear rearranges from afternoon of Sunday you say, you have forgotten, don't you think? -” with the eldest son Gestern [ru] es ernsthaft vom Morgen, mit gemeinsamem Job richtig ist säubern, „, wenn [a], also Sie, obgleich der [tsu] [te] das die Abnutzung Kinder vom Nachmittag von Sonntag neu ordnet, den, Sie sagen, Sie haben vergessen, nicht Sie denken sagen? -“ mit dem ältesten Sohn
- Diet of unnecessary baggage
http://m-enaka.cocolog-nifty.com/blog/2011/11/post-d357.html Yesterday about 10 boxes is unnecessary ones which are, but, a liberal translation Gestern ist ungefähr 10 Kästen die nicht notwendige, die sind, aber
- Fall the shank -.
http://blog.goo.ne.jp/paru4454/e/5f154c69a174ea55af7899e84c055127 Yesterday was cold enormously, is, a liberal translation Gestern war enorm, ist kalt
Housecleaning, japanese culture, electronics, Livelihood,