- General cleaning DAY
http://grimaud.cocolog-nifty.com/blog/2011/12/post-56bb.html Finally because time was possible, today did general cleaning thoroughly from morning Finalmente porque o tempo era possível, fêz hoje a limpeza geral completamente da manhã
- Tokyo seven shrines it goes round, - that 1, a liberal translation
http://ataraxia-myroom.cocolog-nifty.com/blog/2012/01/post-4635.html At last being released from general cleaning of end of year, now morning occurred slowly No último que está sendo liberado da limpeza geral do fim de ano, agora a manhã ocorreu lentamente
- Winter vacation., a liberal translation
http://ameblo.jp/syrrfamily/entry-11119922881.html After all, waiting for the work supplying of the father, the finish of cleaning it should do the kana… which, a liberal translation Apesar de tudo, esperando o fornecimento do trabalho do pai, o revestimento da limpeza deve fazer o kana… que
- First group game.
http://sally.blog.so-net.ne.jp/2011-12-24 As for not being done general cleaning and the New Year's greeting card Quanto para a não ser limpeza geral feita e o cartão de ano novo
Housecleaning, japanese culture, electronics, Livelihood,