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○■ 「映画&舞台」カテ ゴリの最新... As for the up-to-date article detective “of the movie & stage” category it is in bar
○■ The secret treasure part 1 the last message sea monkey debt [gu] of up-to-date article Halley [potsuta] and death “of movie drama music television” category it seems it releases [arietsuteiyatsu] and others!! Alice in wonderland
○■ 「個性的な役柄」 ていったい... “The unique role” [tsu] [te] just what,… when it went to seeing, 顕 name increased program hp as a cast being recorded
○■ 「どうして、ここ ・・・?」... “Why, here…?”(Asami analog), “the [zu] [tsu] - to do with network and the [yo]” (Oizumi), “the [zu] [tsu] - being net [tsu] [te] and/or…” ([shige]), “Onozuka, 'the rice ball' liking, seeing, it increases”, (Asami analog), “and the [be] -!?”([shige] Oizumi)
○■ tvcm of the highball “o f highball thing black Nikka clearing blend of self-depreciation” you saw? You can see cm movie even with the brand sight
○■ 「やっぱり週末の トレンジは... “After all as for strange of weekend, like this is unless!!”
○■ “It is no barrel thing! ?”If with you mention the casting which is made [giyotsu], the human drama “[burokubatsuku] mountain which draws agonizing of the gay couple of countryside”
○■ 「これ、ボクのん んな^^」... “This, me it is and it is the ^^”, a liberal translation
○■ 「いつ、なに?え と、そうい... “When, what? Obtaining - with, the reason which becomes the relationship of such?”, a liberal translation
○■ Because it cannot point t o the up-to-date article losing word “of weblog” category, designates the intensive training of speech as all Assemblyman… Thought everyone unlikely event, don't you think? probably will be, it is possible to think also building wind generation of electricity because? Like the time of the sumo wrestling boundary, being thorough, it does not pursue? Thinking with communication at the workplace
○■ 「71番・弥谷寺」( 泉氏)... “71st 弥 valley temple” (Oizumi) after, the pause “of ear - [n]” in [sokosoko], as for Fujimura d which knows truth in order to escape, running, to the car
○■ 今回は大好物の焼 するめをか... This time while biting the [me] which the favorite food burns cool reporter part of the TV station which goes to collection of data, a liberal translation
○■ Well, caviler like 揶. N ow then the method which has been done half criticism you do not know, (the impoliteness), in case of me according to expectation (? ) It is visited in loneliness
○■ ←よかったらクリ クをお願い... <- When it is good, we request click
○■ Also “friendship” is good, is, but by all means in us who bear future, “joy”, a liberal translation
○■ cast Ishihara going/parti cipating thickly the bright (Innai teacher Oizumi ocean) it is thick the river silk (Innai teacher chief Kobayashi Satoru beauty) seven. Far (fragrance 椎 Yuu) eightfold. Mori (medium 3 God wooden Riyuunosuke) the Wada elegance tree (the medium 2 Suga Ken it is thick) Takaya cherry tree mountain true (cherry tree mountain general hospital & director of a hospital Mikawa) the ******
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