- As for the detective it is in BAR.
http://blog.goo.ne.jp/bellwood7909/e/1d2425019549603fa9f05326cb12d009 As for the up-to-date article detective “of the movie & stage” category it is in bar Was den aktuellen Artikeldetektiv anbetrifft „der Film- u. Stadiums“ Kategorie ist er im Stab
- Perhaps, image just a little is different, but
http://whip-whip.cocolog-nifty.com/blog/2011/09/post-9e7b.html “As for the detective it is in bar” „Was den Detektiv anbetrifft ist es im Stab“
- It was funny, is…. Volume, a liberal translation
http://94089725.at.webry.info/201109/article_11.html “As for the detective it is in bar”, visualbook ([da] [vuinchibutsukusu]) the media factory “as for the detective it is in bar”, the visual book production commission user review: “As for Amazon associate by movie detective the original is in bar” sound track Japanese [koromubia] pond asking/depending wide user review: Amazon associate by, a liberal translation Assunto para a traducao japonesa.
Oizumi Yo , Entertainment, Drama,