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○■ Don't you think? Maeda At uko performance it is good, the [te] super persevering, the [ru] Sato fungus [ru] it is lovely, the eye it is huge, the story w recent drama of q10 is funny - as for w1 turn waiting, [ru] Ishihara, with straw raincoat person kana w
○■ 久しぶりに雪の小 の坂を見れた... You look at the Otaru of the snow hill after a long time and the [re] are to do, as for winter view of [susukino] that it was such feeling - you remember and the [chi] [ya] [tsu] are
○■ The conversation dignity similar two of [haken] is funny, developing into relationship of romantic love, we want two people even with the [tsu] golden pig - with the shank, a liberal translation
○■ 今日は 9時から 界ふしぎ発... Because today from 9 o'clock Oizumi ocean appears in worldwide strange discovery, if doing before that it is not, the [tsu]!! The [a] [a] ~ it is busy the 〓
○■ As for the night of yeste rday while it videotaped the accumulating [chi] [ya] [tsu] [te] it is seeing drama, you passed, a liberal translation
○■ ◆福山雅治主演n k大河ドラマ... * Fukuyama elegance Osamu starring NHK big river drama “Riyuuma transmission”* Big river drama “Riyuuma transmission” official sight
○■ プレスブログから 紹介です... It is introduction from [puresuburogu
○■ As it advances also the s tory, the piece today of past puzzle at a time one was funny with the feeling which keeps being fixed, a liberal translation
○■ でも今度のニッカ ウイスキー... So tvcm of the Nikka of this time whiskey black Nikka clearing blend is different
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