- Assunto para a traducao japonesa.
http://dyondyon.blog.so-net.ne.jp/2011-06-19 Expression of the Maeda Atuko speech is good, a liberal translation Maeda Atuko讲话的表示是好
- �� moshi dora �١� '11 hatsu kanshou 77 �� gekijou ��
http://miha.at.webry.info/201106/article_4.html Atuko Maeda the child of alone akb, performance is not bad anymore so, is, a liberal translation Atuko Maeda单独akb,表现的孩子不再如此是坏的,是
- Japanese weblog
http://clear-mind.cocolog-nifty.com/blog/2010/10/post-72df.html Also Atuko's Maeda robot part is lovely 并且Atuko的Maeda机器人零件是可爱的
- Japanese Letter
http://ameblo.jp/carrotrabbit/entry-10678984985.html Don't you think? Maeda Atuko performance it is good, the [te] super persevering, the [ru] Sato fungus [ru] it is lovely, the eye it is huge, the story w recent drama of q10 is funny - as for w1 turn waiting, [ru] Ishihara, with straw raincoat person kana w 您是否不认为? Maeda Atuko表现是好, [te]超级坚持, [它是可爱的它是巨大的ru]佐藤真菌[ru],眼睛,故事q10最近戏曲是滑稽的-如为w1等待的轮的w, [ru] Ishihara,与秸杆雨衣人kana w
Oizumi Yo , Entertainment, Drama,