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○■ 8月6日の原爆記念 の話をさ... You had done the story of atomic bomb commemoration day August 6th, but weather being bad,… the [tsu] [te] the air which is heard even in home Osaka does the story which is said, a liberal translation
○■ 特に青山響子の影 あるキャラ... The character which is the shadow of the especially Aoyama resounding/affecting child is piled up with the spring shiitake before “the [supahaken]” large
○■ 数年前は倒産の危 もあったと... As for several years ago there was also a crisis of bankruptcy when
○■ Perhaps, it associates fr om hn, it is probably will be? As for dragon image of the brother who is made eyebrow [tsun]? Perhaps, such image it has, but actual I write many degrees, but being taciturn, the Oizumi ocean where the foot is short feeling…
○■ 以前にバレンタイ 限定で売ら... It is something which in the past was sold with Valentine limitation, but because you found with Imai Marui, it tried buying
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