- Emergency notification!!! About CUE DREAM JAM-BOREE 2010
http://ameblo.jp/fankyjarnal/entry-10570016693.html Of course! Ticket generation does not need, a liberal translation Naturalmente! A geração do bilhete não precisa
- History of pad, a liberal translation
http://blog.livedoor.jp/kazunari2/archives/51864841.html Of course, theme family love Naturalmente, amor da família do tema
- Search the mistake cast of the movie! … The [u] - it is, after all it probably is this person., a liberal translation
http://monzen-t.blog.so-net.ne.jp/2011-07-04 It is not the case that of course, this, [uentsu] is bad Não é o caso que naturalmente, este, [uentsu] é mau
- weblog title
http://ameblo.jp/mikanbakos/entry-10596864439.html Of course, in, tights proverb Naturalmente, dentro, provérbio das calças justas
Oizumi Yo , Entertainment, Drama,