- Japanese weblog
http://ikesanfromfrneore.blog64.fc2.com/blog-entry-4005.html [dejiru] which yielding does not make to the last [seruvuisu [dejiru] das das Erbringen nicht zum Letzten bildet [seruvuisu
- “Riyuuma transmission” 35th “薩 long alliance [ze]”
http://yongoiti.cocolog-nifty.com/blog/2010/08/35-ee4d.html To the last, there being preparedness of virtue, it is thing, don't you think? Zu und dauern, sind Bereitschaft des Vorzugs, es ist Sache, nicht Sie denken?
- Fetal movement
http://fuu-blog.cocolog-nifty.com/blog/2010/02/post-a85f.html To the last, “the difference of idea” is, Zu dauern Sie, „der Unterschied der Idee“ ist,
Oizumi Yo , Entertainment, Drama,