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○■ 大阪マラソンを目 して関西に... Aiming toward the Osaka marathon, because you go out to Kansai, that also mountain-climbing probably will enjoy together, it left the home on October 27th
○■ 出かけた日は、紅 のピークを... The day when you go out had the impression of passing the peak of the tinted autumn leaves, but even then element clear forcing fall skill doing color, a liberal translation
○■ You tried up to do the ph otograph, but because the article becomes long, it is up in the next time, a liberal translation
○■ 先週まだ紅葉がき いな時に行... When last week still the tinted autumn leaves are clean, goes the schedule which, because of my cold 1 weekly postponement
○■ When to the Japanese [bur ogu] village photograph [burogu] Hokkaido scenery photograph (letter click) the Japanese [burogu] village regional life (the town) in addition (letter click) the ↑↑↑↑↑↑↑↑↑ it may to [burogu] nationwide regional information, letter [pochitsu]!! Don't you think? with it participates in [burogu] village, a liberal translation
○■ とにかくよく遊具 遊びました... You played in any case well with the toy
○■ かてーと思うだろ それが、... These are talking of Japanese blogoholic.
○■ いつもきれいに紅 するカエデ... As for the maple which takes on autumnal tints always cleanly, the tip of the leaf is damaged
○■ “Showing the reverse si de and showing the chart and the tinted autumn leaves which scatter” well it is phrase of Hiroshi's side person, but often the human showing tries probably to decorate by his just the chart, but while building the tinted autumn leaves with the inside and outside as free, showing before and truth saying nothing, it scatters gently
○■ 私はアカゲラくん 好きです(... I like the great spotted woodpecker, (laughing), a liberal translation
○■ 「自然」教育園な で蜘蛛の巣... Because it is “the natural” education garden, the spider's web is a large quantity
Autumn leaves,
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