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○■ The up-to-date article si ckle pond “of scenery photograph” category can be wrapped in the thick fog, takes on autumnal tints side valley valley (2) this year in a flash? At 8000 Hodaka field canoe birch gregariousness area of scenery fall around 8000 head lake, a liberal translation
○■ 2011年横谷観音@蓼 科... 2011 side valley Merciful Goddess @ 蓼 course
○■ 「きねんび」カテ リの最新記... “The stamp it is the up-to-date article request thing game special edition number and the �24 birthday ♪ stamp of [bi]” category it is [bi] celebration! 20th ♪, a liberal translation
○■ Aiming toward the Osaka m arathon, because you go out to Kansai, that also mountain-climbing probably will enjoy together, it left the home on October 27th
○■ それでも仙台市内 一望でき、... Even then Sendai city view it was possible, promenade between the trees was sufficient for the healing which makes always noise forget
○■ そのあとはなかな 紅葉も見る... After that very without there is no opportunity which sees also the tinted autumn leaves it may rush into the winter, is, a liberal translation
○■ そして、来年です 久々にチハ... And, it is next year, but after a long time [chiharatoku] dvd becomes sale
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