- It is and is competition.
http://blog.livedoor.jp/kaorin8008/archives/51973801.html Today is chummy in the family -, probably to go to seeing intends the tinted autumn leaves is to the resident in place peak the burn… Hoje é chummy na família -, ir provavelmente à vista pretende as folhas de outono matizadas é ao pico do residente no lugar a queimadura…
- Change of play style
http://ajisaiindoor.cocolog-nifty.com/blog/2011/10/post-668c.html Today the wind just a little is cool, but refreshing good weather, a liberal translation Hoje o vento apenas um pouco é bom tempo fresco, mas refrescando
- It may become weather, is, a liberal translation
http://blog.livedoor.jp/onoyubiwa/archives/51948209.html Also today, may become weather, don't you think? is, a liberal translation Também hoje, pode tornar-se o tempo, você não pensa? é
- At Hanazono park
http://blog.goo.ne.jp/ukiuki333/e/5bf2babd92d709e55e6bdef3eeda7123 In the present afternoon you stopped in the Hanazono park Na tarde atual você parou no parque de Hanazono
- , a liberal translation
http://blog.goo.ne.jp/purumaro37/e/10ce8c1103cff4e47ba7ca9d06a229c0 Because today the day off entered into weekday after a long time, the spring it went to the peak, a liberal translation Porque hoje o dia livre participou no dia útil após uma estadia longa, a mola foi ao pico
- [kabuto] insect & tinted autumn leaves
http://blog.livedoor.jp/ange2006/archives/52105882.html Today was hot first Hoje era primeiro quente
- Last day good fall day
http://mit-leben.cocolog-nifty.com/blog/2011/10/post-1735-4.html Today was day of fall of one Japan and China good weather, a liberal translation Hoje era dia de uma queda de um bom tempo de Japão e de China
- tamanegi �� chi^zupan
http://u4ah3y6hj.seesaa.net/article/231743546.html Today is hot! It may become hot, is (@_@) (@_@) you will pay attention to physical condition! By the way today, October 23rd the [tehe] ♪ which is marriage commemoration day furthermore the design loyal retainer inside is simultaneous accidental Hoje está quente! Pode tornar-se quente, é, (o @_@) (o @_@) você pagará a atenção à condição física! Pela maneira hoje, outubro 2ó o ♪ [do tehe] que é dia da comemoração da união além disso o interior leal do retentor do projeto é acidental simultâneo
- mittsu no tenki
http://blog.goo.ne.jp/hotspa15/e/7cb95ed28da9fea5a088ed65571d9d52 Today being 1 days, three weather experiences, a liberal translation Hoje que é 1 os dias, três resiste a experiências
Autumn leaves, Leisure, Nature,