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○■ 紅葉にはもう少し いかな?... In tinted autumn leaves already a little quick kana?, a liberal translation
○■ The tinted autumn leaves of the mountain are beautiful! Very, being clean, the eye was healed and heart cleared up! Contribution from android carrying, a liberal translation
○■ 久しぶりのいちじ の風味が,美... Flavor of the infrequent fig, was tasty, is, but, something longing was felt and… (laughing) as for those which enter into the container, immediately under the cream it was the custard purine
○■ ちなみに以前この ログで紹介し... By the way, it has introduced with this [burogu] of the time before, but when it is spring, it is another passenger compartment, but it can enjoy the cherry tree!!
○■ そして、翔平がデ カメでお店の... Because you say, that and, we would like to take the sunflower which with the digital camera has Sho flat in the flower bed before the store, the digital camera was transferred
○■ Doing for a while, when r eturning to this once, steering wheel part being at the point where the duck which Sho flatly has changed crosses before the boat, in addition steering wheel part changed to k
○■ 」と言われてたの 、来月のツア... Because” with it is said, it seems that participates in also the tour of next month
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