- “The highwayman burning and” why “the highwayman” being?, a liberal translation
http://blog.livedoor.jp/sakura_w/archives/51672163.html By the way, when 2 times it is fried, name changes to the fried chicken when Pela maneira, quando 2 vezes for fritada, mudanças de nome à galinha fritada quando
- From fall into winter and next year
http://skybaymarine.way-nifty.com/room/2011/10/post-709c.html By the way, 21 days which are opened being disguised to as 10 o'clock in the morning, when it attends, hold also the event where admission gliding charge of the day becomes free, so is, a liberal translation Pela maneira, 21 dias que são disfarce aberto como a 10 horas na manhã, quando atendem, prendem igualmente o evento onde a carga de deslizamento da admissão do dia se torna livre, estão assim
- It is the view which profit is done a little., a liberal translation
http://cypress-topic.at.webry.info/201110/article_76.html By the way, it has introduced with this [burogu] of the time before, but when it is spring, it is another passenger compartment, but it can enjoy the cherry tree!! Pela maneira, introduziu com este [burogu] do tempo antes, mas quando é mola, é um outro compartimento de passageiro, mas pode apreciar a árvore de cereja!!
- The foil of the salmon it wraps and burns the fixed food
http://blog.goo.ne.jp/tanpoponotsubuyaki/e/05ed3aacd18c50272488a1cc5b03c838 By the way, when designating the fish as main, recently as for any juice things, the pig juice is many, is Pela maneira, ao designar o cano principal dos peixes tão, recentemente quanto para todas as coisas do suco, o suco do porco é muitos, é
Autumn leaves, Leisure, Nature,